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Vyvanse experiences?

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My teen just started this today, and I'm looking for others with experiences with it. How long from when they started to when you saw improvement in focus? How long from when they take a dose in the morning until when it "kicks in"? What side effects did you see?

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I took it for a bit in adulthood.  For me, side effects were mild---some appetite problems, but that was easy to manage with structured meal time.


I wasn't taking it for attention issues.  It was an off-label OCD script, so the effects might be very different.  I'd say I felt improvement within 2-3 days overall.  It's hard to say how long it took to "kick in" because my OCD symptoms varied throught the day.  It was more to STOP symptoms than to start focus.  


I also should note that I didn't stop it because it wasn't working.  It still was, and it was great.  I got pregnant, and decided the risks to the baby were too high.


I hope it works for your teen.  I know how hard it can be to find the right medication(s).  

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Vyvanse was amazing for my daughter! We saw effects immediately. It was the first thing that actually worked for her. We had to move on from that to Quillivant because she metabolized it too quickly. Our Vyvanse was accompanied my two types of Starters and Adderall

To make it kick in faster and last longer.

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LOVE vyvanse. Has been an absolute life saver over here.

Our pediatrician isn't a fan of these meds buts LOVES vyvanse too. It doesn't have the I'll side affects of the Ritalin type meds and doesn't have the propesnity to set them up for illegal drug use later . ( lots of studies have shown a direct correlation between the Ritalin road and drug use later in life )


We can't live without it. We were very hesitant to do meds and waited awhile. Lov it.

The appetite side affects we work around by having him eat breakfast before giving vyvanse , and eat dinner before we give his nightime med. Intuniv.

Intuniv is also great to combat the crash from the vyvanse and relieves ticks etc.


I cannot say enough good about it.

It doesn't make him a zombie either. Jus regulates him and helps him regulate himself.

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LOVE vyvanse. Has been an absolute life saver over here.

Our pediatrician isn't a fan of these meds buts LOVES vyvanse too. It doesn't have the I'll side affects of the Ritalin type meds and doesn't have the propesnity to set them up for illegal drug use later . ( lots of studies have shown a direct correlation between the Ritalin road and drug use later in life )


We can't live without it. We were very hesitant to do meds and waited awhile. Lov it.

The appetite side affects we work around by having him eat breakfast before giving vyvanse , and eat dinner before we give his nightime med. Intuniv.

Intuniv is also great to combat the crash from the vyvanse and relieves ticks etc.


I cannot say enough good about it.

It doesn't make him a zombie either. Jus regulates him and helps him regulate himself.

Off topic, but I'd be interested to know of these numerous studies. I know many people who stop prescription medication (or do not start) self-medicate with illegal drugs and alcohol. But I have not seen a study with a control group of non-stimulant ADHD med users vs stimulant med users and their illicit drug habits.
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I knew that would be a sensitive issue to some.

It's been years since I've read them. I gathered them from different sources . some on my own, some the pediatrician gave me, some out spec ed teacher gave links to.

Listen. Here's the issue, and I realize this is a very sensitive subject to some and I'm not looking for controversy, but the harsh reality is? It does happen.


I have friends who it has happened to. If you want recourses, the internet and an open mind is full of them. I'm not here to argue. And again, been several years since I read it all. My son is 12 so, go find it yourself.


I don't mean to sound harsh but we have jus spent months of a battery of evals, tests, ( medical including her another brain scan) , in addition to tje deprression ans range of emotions and how it can be very taxing on a marriage and family. so, I'm really not in the mood for anything looking to pick a fight.

:) have a great day

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Off topic, but I'd be interested to know of these numerous studies. I know many people who stop prescription medication (or do not start) self-medicate with illegal drugs and alcohol. But I have not seen a study with a control group of non-stimulant ADHD med users vs stimulant med users and their illicit drug habits.


Vyvanse is a pro-drug (as it was explained to me) and bound to something that only breaks down with an enzyme in the body.  My understanding is this lowers street value because it is worthless to insufflate or abuse in other ways.  It removes some of the *temptation* that would naturally occur in a teen or college age population to abuse the drug, and of course it's when they abuse the drugs that the dose gets high enough to become addicting.  


There are some very nasty forums out there replete with info on how people abuse these meds.  I don't think it's outrageous to be concerned.  I think it's on EVERYONE'S mind.  I think that's the most OBVIOUS path into later problems is with people who end up literally abusing what they were giving, misusing, seeking more, etc.  I'm *not* sure there's a lot of evidence that on-label, controlled use causes later problems.  I'm guessing there are studies showing both ways and contradicting, lol.  I thought I had read there were studies showing LOWER drug use in medicated ADHD populations, yes?  


I'm just saying to me I really like the direction they're going with attaching the meds to these other things as pro-drugs.  Much safer.

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My youngest daughter ( now 23) had LC. My husband was very addimate we not pursue it BC he thought I was making a mountain out of a molehill. Aside from LC,I know she has add, probably other things too. She was never tested and never any intervention.


She was cramming for finals in college. Alot of the college kids use adderal to stay awake n focus ( abused not prescribed ) , she did it with them and...very soon was addicted. It has been a long horrible road for her and us.

The pshyciatrist we finally got her to agree to go to ( only after she was violent with all family members and attacked me physically when I was in bed with 2 broken ribs and a bad inner chat wall contusion ).

The doc explained to my husband with her present that adderal has almost the same exact chemical make up as cocaine.

Come to find out? She was using cocaine too. When she couldn't find adderal.

She tested positive for it in his office. And he won't treat as long as she is testing positive for any drug.


It was years of anguish for all of us. I literally pulled, drug her out if a coke house. They were mixing heroin and cocaine and MDMA. That weekend I went n literally drug her out when the big guy at the door said I wasn't takin her the ahe beat the heck outta me the whole car ride home. So. Yea. Thwre are both sides. Those seeking what their bodies know they need and the kids who grew up on rritalin n adderal that wind up w some nasty cocaine habits.

Oh. I jia remembered, the pshyciatrist cited some studies of kids who went seeking drugs to fulfill the inner addiction they developed from adderal and yes. Ritalin too.


This is a very sad epidemic in America today. My sweet homeschooled lil girl wound up ...in cramming for finals....developing a coke habit.

Whoda thunk. Everyine was surprised . and most never even knew she was on it.

So. Studies are out there. Jus gotta find em ir ask a professional of them.

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And before someone jumps on me about calling the cops...of course I did. Many kids scrammed hen cops showed up. One died in police custody BC of what he had already taken, another went n robbed a convenient store and got shot in the process, one was found in a ditch in his car dead from an overdose, the other one noones seen since. Presumed dead. I knew 2 of the families including the one who he has never been found .

These were...kids who grew up in church. Not latchkey kids.

Please ladies, do not think it can't happen to our kids cuz, it does.

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I knew that would be a sensitive issue to some.

It's been years since I've read them. I gathered them from different sources . some on my own, some the pediatrician gave me, some out spec ed teacher gave links to.

Listen. Here's the issue, and I realize this is a very sensitive subject to some and I'm not looking for controversy, but the harsh reality is? It does happen.


I have friends who it has happened to. If you want recourses, the internet and an open mind is full of them. I'm not here to argue. And again, been several years since I read it all. My son is 12 so, go find it yourself.


I don't mean to sound harsh but we have jus spent months of a battery of evals, tests, ( medical including her another brain scan) , in addition to tje deprression ans range of emotions and how it can be very taxing on a marriage and family. so, I'm really not in the mood for anything looking to pick a fight.

:) have a great day

No one is wanting a fight. I've been given information by our led psych that leads to the opposite conclusion (kids who don't receive ANY treatment for their symptoms end up using and most often highly addicted to alcohol and other drugs because it is in effect a way of self medicating). I genuinely was interested. You sounded so definitive I thought you could point me in the general direction.


My apology is that it's derailed the OP's questions.

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U could ask a diff pshyc. If u genuinely want to know. Pshycs are people too. They have their own slants/viewpoints on it. My oldest daughter doc had them in the opposite direction and so did my pediatrician 6 yrs ago.


My 23 yo could be a classic case in point for the very thing youentiined. But, many have the opposite opinions and documentation to back thst uo too.


One can find studeis to "prove" anything they wish just about today . both sides of the camps so to speak.


I have friends who we raised our big kids with that did medicate and have found their way to drugs .

Incidentally , the first one to give my adult daughter adderal was a child who grew up on, I believe h was on Ritalin, bit it was one of those drugs and it was before vyvanse was out ( vyvanse only on open marker in us since around 2014 or so) . but, when my daughter's friends doc took her off the drug...ahe sought it out in other ways...her choice was cocaine. And she isn't the only one who was raised on it and wound up doin cocaine .


So....first hand exp? For me? Nd my friends kids...yea. It in fact HAS happened. And again. These are good kids , raised in church and in college currently. So.

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And I don't believe this was "derailing "Op post. It's the good bad and the ugly of ADHD drugs and pertinent . yes. She asked about vyvanse , bit what if she had decided against vyvanse and went into the doc office and gotten addreral or one of its friends . (humore)?

I believe that *could* be a big mistake so...no. Not detailed imo

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Thank you. I appreciate that.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to b harsh. At a , not the best place, right now.

Digesting eval results. Meds plays a big part in it. Jus... Tough time right now.

I really do appreciate your kind words :)

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