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Social media and the things you wish didn't know about people


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Sigh. I started unfollowing people on FB because I couldn't deal with the rants and propaganda (of all kinds) they post there. I finally got my FB down to a feed that makes me feel like I'm spending that time somewhat wisely and that doesn't raise my blood pressure. However, I'm also on Instagram, which has mainly been drama-free. I love seeing people's kid pictures and silly selfies and the books they're reading, etc. But now the controversy is starting to creep over there as well, and there's no way to "unfollow" people on Instagram, right? 


Am I the only person who has trouble separating the crazy things people post online from the relationship we have IRL? I wouldn't know about some friends' crazy conspiracy theories and the dissonance between the things they say when discussing issues in person and the carp they post online if it wasn't for our social media connections! I won't go into specifics, but I'm curious to know how people handle it when your actual, IRL friends start saying things that not only do you disagree with, but you actually think are illogical and unreasonable? 


I wish I had the nerve to cut off social media, but our local HSing groups are active there, and I do want to stay connected with most friends and my family. Ugh. Maybe I just need some more laid-back, less extreme friends!

Edited by ILiveInFlipFlops
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I don't live close to most people on my FB, so I am unlikely to talk to them IRL about any of it. Some of the political views were surprising to see. I would probably not talk to them about any of it, regardless. I'd be more likely to be the one with the conspiracy theory thoughts, anyway LOL But I am unlikely to bring that stuff up IRL.

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You can definitely unfollow people on insta.  When I couldn't figure it out on my phone I went to the website, where it was easier.


Sorry, I should have clarified--I meant that on FB you can "unfollow" someone but still say their "friend," so that you can go see their posts if you feel like it. I don't think there's an equivalent on IG, right? If you unfollow someone on IG, you're no longer connected to them at all and can't see any of their posts, and they can see that you're no longer in their list of followers. At least I think that's how that works!

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My IRL friends are just as blunt (not PC) on Facebook and face to face. So we all know where we stand. Like a good friend is a democrat campaigner while the rest of us in that group swing independent. We just ignore her political propaganda and support her other stuff like autism advocacy.


We are polite to each other but we don't mouth political correct opinions. We would just keep our mouth shut temporarily if emotions are high instead of appearing to agree with something we disagree with. For example we have different viewpoints on things like affirmative action, racial discrimination and militrary service depending on our life experiences. But we agree to disagree.


I do have some acquaintances on Facebook due to moms group and homeschool group. There are some who are PC in real life and less PC on Facebook. For example someone could be a staunch Catholic with lots of religious postings and opinions on Facebook but tone down on religious issues (e.g. abortion, birth control) in a gathering of people of different religions.

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It has been disturbing for me to learn that several FB "friends" hold racist and bigotted beliefs. I did not know this until this election cycle. I'm not talking about suspected racist beliefs, I'm talking about a couple people I was debating with who actually believe in segregation or defend deportation of people with particular religious beliefs. However, these were also not IRL close friends.


I am very against a certain political candidate but have friends who are staunch supporters of the candidate. That is a difficult thing for me to manage IRL.

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I just gloss right over it on facebook.....don't have instagram.  If it gets out of hand I unfollow or unfriend them, depending on the views.


Most of my friends though tend to be more outspoken in person than on facebook.  Their facebook pages might be a horseback ride picture, selling things, family picture, etc.  I did share a post today about the racial issues that a black daughter of my white friend wrote but that is very rare for me.


I do give some extra grace to those with known special needs (I have 3 cognitively impaired kids so many of their friends are as well) or the elderly who might not totally get the ramifications of all of their shares.

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Whoever made the decision that the word "culture" in English should refer to both the shared beliefs and attitudes of a group of people and the thing that grows when bacteria find a food source was a very wise person.


Certain ideas are very infectious, and as post-modernism has taught us, the most infectious ideas aren't always the most truthful. Controlled exposure to certain infectious ideas can be helpful, especially if it is a few degrees of separation from a truly persuasive source (such as the non-convincing memes that Facebook friends post), as it gives people something to work with in the process of intellectually vaccinating themselves.

Edited by Anacharsis
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It has been disturbing for me to learn that several FB "friends" hold racist and bigotted beliefs. I did not know this until this election cycle. I'm not talking about suspected racist beliefs, I'm talking about a couple people I was debating with who actually believe in segregation or defend deportation of people with particular religious beliefs. However, these were also not IRL close friends.


I am very against a certain political candidate but have friends who are staunch supporters of the candidate. That is a difficult thing for me to manage IRL.


Me too.

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