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The Well Trained Hiker completes the Appalachian Trail

Jane in NC

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My dd was at Wilcat on Saturday night, May 14, when her Girl Scout group met a young man who was hiking from Georgia to Maine. Dd said he slept in the shelter and did not use a tent. But his trail name was Tenderfoot. Oh, I am SO disappointed. My dd's group was heading east through Waywayanda, towards Maine, finishing up at the park office area, so they probably would not have crossed paths. :-( Anyway, her group was three girls in mid teens and four adults, I think. There was also a Boy Scout group that night.




Dd says your picture looks like the person she is calling Tenderfoot. She thinks? Not 100% sure. Weird!

Just heard back from The Boy on this. He said no to encountering scouts around Wildcat and that Tenderfoot is another hiker. Oh well.


Hope your daughter had a good hike.

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Just heard back from The Boy on this. He said no to encountering scouts around Wildcat and that Tenderfoot is another hiker. Oh well.


Hope your daughter had a good hike.

Too bad! But thank you for checking. In any case, a million congratulations to your son for an incredible achievement!

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