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Is 33 old?

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No, but I'm 41, so it's relative. I have come to believe you are only as old as you feel.


Amen Sister!:D

I will be 41 this month, and cannot BELIEVE it's true!! It seems old to me, but I never FEEL 41.


Enjoy 33, 43 will be here before you know it. Not too make you feel bad or anything-ha, ha.

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I've been paranoid about my age lately. . .LOL. . .do you think 33 is old? I honestly look about five years younger or so, but still, i'm still worried. . .:)


When my mother was 85, she said she'd love to 70, anything to be 70. When my father was 90, he said he'd give every penny he had to be 70.


I, personally, pick 50 from the neck up, 21 from the neck down.


And you, honey, are a spring chicken.

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I've been paranoid about my age lately. . .LOL. . .do you think 33 is old? I honestly look about five years younger or so, but still, i'm still worried. . .:)

I just turned 34 last month. Is it ok to tell you "yes"? :D I mean, the wrinkles have started creeping in, I'm worried that there might be some white hairs mixing in with my blonde hair that I don't know about yet...


Although, on a positive note, last year when I turned 33 I thought for an entire month that I was 34. Then, when I mentioned it once (fortunately not in public), dh corrected me, and I was suddenly a year younger!! :lol: So now I'm back to 34 again, and it's like, ok, I've been 34 before, no big deal! (except for these wrinkles that show up in the morning--they do go away after a while, though. My skin just isn't as elastic as it was)

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Turning 46 on Friday -- 33 is definitely NOT old!!! My husband will be 60 in April so perhaps being married to an older man keeps me feeling younger. Primarily, it's a matter of attitude. I still feel like I'm 33, and as long as I keep the clairol on stock in the bathroom, I feel like I don't look over the hill quite yet!


Enjoy being 33!! Each age can be great.



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I've been paranoid about my age lately. . .LOL. . .do you think 33 is old? I honestly look about five years younger or so, but still, i'm still worried. . .:)



coming over to smack you with my 43 year old premenapausal wish I was 33 and I hope someone reminds you of this thread when you are 43!! go have another baby for crying out loud girl you are in your prime!!!!!!!!!!!;)

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Looking backwards from 47, 33 looks pretty young to me! LOL. Enjoy all your years. You'll be older than some and younger than some at any point in your life. My uncle who is 70, says that the remarkable thing is that he does not feel that old although his body is betraying him. I'd say his real age is about 30, although he had a quadruple bypass last year.

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NO WAY!!! She's that old? Now I feel old! "OMG"!!!


Thanks for sharing - loved it!!! :D

Don't that that make you feel old -- she was 39 when Mickey came out. She was born the same year as Mick Jagger, if that puts it into a bit better perspective.
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Don't that that make you feel old -- she was 39 when Mickey came out. She was born the same year as Mick Jagger, if that puts it into a bit better perspective.


I had no idea. I guess a cheerleading outfit makes everyone seem younger.



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I did not know that 33 was old until last week. I was working in the nursery at co-op and the other workers (who are much younger than me) were discussing their hair, and then their dh's hair. One of the women said that her husband was going gray, but that was because he was so old....he is 33! I could not control my laughter. They probably thought that dementia is beginning to set in.


Today I was awoken from a nap by a census worker. I was rather groggy when answering the first couple of questions. When she asked my dh's age I told her he was 37. She did a double take (probably thinking we had a Demi/Ashton situation), then she asked my age and I told her I was 32. Finally, I came to full consiousness and realized that I had taken more than a decade off both of our ages and corrected my answers and apologized for my sleepiness. Then it dawned on me that I had the answer to Mom of Aly's question, "How old would you be if you had no idea how old you are?"


My grandmother (85) has alzheimer's and she tells everyone that she is 100 because she likes the reaction she gets: "Really? WOW! You look great!" My sister has recommended that we start adding 10 years to our age when anyone asks so that we can get a similiar reaction. ;)


Seriously, I don't think 33 is old, but when I was 33 I did go through an "ano de Cristo" phase where I examined my life and my priorities.

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Don't that that make you feel old -- she was 39 when Mickey came out. She was born the same year as Mick Jagger, if that puts it into a bit better perspective.


Wow! I graduated h.s. that year, so yeah, if she WOULD have been say 18 then (like the cheerleader she appears to be), and she is now 65(?), then that would make ME now 65. Thank God, she was 39, now I can feel young(er) again! :D


Now Mick, hum....he's just....ageless! ;)

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