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One Good Thing


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If you had to pick one thing that worked well for you/that you're happy about for this school year, what would it be?


I think I made a lot of mistakes this semester, which was my first homeschooling, but the thing I'm happy about is that my DD now loves to read.  Taking her out of school thus taking away the pressure of AR tests on every book she read, plus finding a series that really clicked with her really worked magic.


She said to me yesterday that she's really glad that she "likes to read now."  Today we checked out a stack of books about Clara Barton from the library and she was so excited to get started reading them.  This is such a change from when we first started in January.  It was like pulling teeth to get her to suggest a nonfiction topic she might like to check out books on, and then she wasn't really that interested.


It's such a homeschool cliche, but the books that got her really interested in reading were Little House on the Prairie books.  Not suggested by me, something the librarian recommended.  She read most of the easy reader chapter book adaptations, and we read Little House in the Big Woods, and now she's interested enough and her reading level is getting high enough to tackle the real thing herself.  It's funny, she totally idolizes Laura Ingalls Wilder now, and dates everything from whether Laura was alive at that time or not. 

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I'm happy that combining my kids for science and history has worked as well as it has. I wasn't sure if I could find that sweet spot of just enough challenge for them both but it's been fine. I'm also happy that despite having to be flexible with what we use due to shipping issues, we've still done pretty well this year.  I'm glad that I listened to Julie Bogart's Periscopes so I could gain some perspective and settle into our individual journey a bit more this year.


So happy for you and your DD. Getting my kids into reading has been so rewarding. :) 

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One thing I am always amazed at that all 3 kids like to work at is poetry memorization. They each get better at it each year and have said it is the thing they like the most. I told my oldest one day that he could stop doing it, and he didn't want to. Who knew? One good common thing they all like. That is what your post reminded me of.

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Hearing my kids recite the books of the Old Testament makes me happy. Also words/Greek roots that I wasn't even aware of. Homeschooling is truly a blessing for us! Congratulations on your dd love for reading!!! So happy for her. We need reading to learn about ANY subject/topic etc, or just for fun. Reading is such a valuable treasure :)

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One thing I am always amazed at that all 3 kids like to work at is poetry memorization. They each get better at it each year and have said it is the thing they like the most. I told my oldest one day that he could stop doing it, and he didn't want to. Who knew? One good common thing they all like. That is what your post reminded me of.


That's so cool!  I cannot get DD interested in memorizing poetry.  I mean, if I absolutely badger, it will get done, but not otherwise.

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One thing - I didn't stress about our weekly routine.  We made a different routine for each day of the week, since they each had their own obligations. 


Not stressing is definitely a good thing! 

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My One Good Thing we've always done is morning time together doing Bible study, memory work, prayer, logistics to get ready for the day. Over the years, the cumulative effect of these morning times together has been outstanding. 


But the One Good Thing that was fairly distinctive this year was way more books on tape. I used to read every night to my kids. My evenings are now filled to the tip top with work OR we're out at a ball game. Enter books on tape.... in the car, in the kitchen while the youngers are playing, on trips, on errands. They've checked out the individual mp3 ones from the library as well. 


We've culled most of the good stuff from our local branch library, and we're slowly but surely working our way through the other branches'. I need to find a good source of classic and very-good-books on tape. 




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This was ds' final semester of his senior year, and his last term as a dual enrolled student at the local college (In the fall he'll be a "real" college student). I'm glad we decided not to do any homeschooling, but let his college classes be all that he does. His college grades would have suffered if he had work at home too.

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