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Gift for mom just had 2nd baby six years after first?


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Meaning: I think the new baby was a very big -- but welcome -- surprise. I think they gave away all of their baby things. They now have two girls.To make it a little more challenging: they just moved to Europe. So shipping is tough.




I hate to just send a gift card -- which is likely what they need!!!


I'm thinking a pretty mother's necklace w/ the kids' names?


Or should it be something more practical?


All ideas welcome!



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Gift cards are awesome! - says this mom of a 7yr old and a baby :)


The necklace idea seems good, if she would like that sort of thing. And maybe if she's not likely to have more children. Would it be weird if she had a necklace with two kids names on it, leaving off a third or fourth kid? I am not too into mom necklaces, possibly because I am at an age where more kids are a possibility. But if my friend sent it from overseas  :wub:


Could you purchase something practical from a company local to her that will mail/deliver it to her for a reasonable cost? 

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I think slings are so personal. I like my ring sling for quick out of the house needs or times where I will be putting baby down/picking her up a lot. My mei tai is great for hiking, longer shopping trips, or getting work done around the house, and getting the baby to nap. DD didn't fit nicely in the mei tai until she was about 3mo though.

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I also had the 6 year gap and ds lived in his sling. I agree it's personal taste - I prefer the simple fabric sling with rings, no padding or bells and whistles. One unusual take on the sling which might help for the upcoming summer would be a mesh, sun-resistant one. I had one made up out of fabric called solarveil - it's a mesh-like fabric with a high SPF. I used it for showering with ds, but also on the beach and in the pool or sea. It was great to be able to be with dd in these situations where she still needed close supervision and keep ds safe and comfortable.

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If it's in the budget (or you could split it between multiple people) a session (or a few) with a housekeeper to catch up on the "harder" housework items like: shower, windows,etc that are just brutal to a mom with a baby.

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If it's in the budget (or you could split it between multiple people) a session (or a few) with a housekeeper to catch up on the "harder" housework items like: shower, windows,etc that are just brutal to a mom with a baby.


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Book Depository has free shipping to most countries in the world. 


I'd suggest a book for the baby as well as one for the new big sister. 


You could also select a book for your friend ~ a parenting book, a book on reading books to children (for example, Jim Trelease's The Read-Aloud Handbook), something humorous (Baby Blues), a book on homeschooling ....




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Our kids are spread out like that and dd (the second) was planned. Don't know if you have other reasons to make that assumption, so just saying it may not have been a surprise. I started babywearing a lot recently, but I think fits and tastes are very individual. I'm in a babywearing group and there are lots of choices in carriers and probably lots of preferences. I never could get the hang of my Moby and it's taken a while for me to get more adapted to my Lillebaby. I checked out a knock off Ergo from the lending library (realized it was a knock off after I got it home) and I found the back panel too short for my tall baby. I would be very hesitant to buy a carrier for someone.


Just moved? I don't know if they are sitting in a flat with unpacked boxes so really that would influence my decision to send more stuff their way. I'd probably just send them an Amazon gift card to use for what they wanted, when they wanted. But maybe that's because that's usually what we do for my sister and her husband in Europe who prefer that over most things.


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The mother's necklace is such a nice idea, but I can not wear any jewlery besides rings until the youngest is like 5. Or else they grab at it all day, for four years and 364 days.

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