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How in the world am I suppose to get anything done with a baby who won't take a nap..

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and I four year old who is bouncing off the walls all day long!?!? I guess I just need to vent. I'm about to lose my mind. If the baby is happy when I sit down to do school work with the older two then my ds4 is reeking havoc. He is either fighting with my dd8 or playing too roughly with the baby. Add that on top of a baby who doesn't ever want to take a nap, if she does it's in the afternoon for maybe 30minutes if I'm lucky, and you have a stressed out mom who doesn't even want to homeschool because by the time I get somebody at the table to work with something always happens to tear me away. AGH!!!


Okay, I feel a little better now.

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One of our daughters was a clinger...so I got a mega-soft and comfie baby sling and just 'wore her' everywhere. Actually, it was wonderful. She was contented most of the time, and my nerves got a break, too. Hang in there!


:iagree: I was going to suggest the same thing. It's only been in the last, oh, 4 months or so that my now 22 month old son has been content to play either by himself or with the siblings not actively doing school work. His GERD played a *huge* role in his clinginess.


If you're not already doing this, can you spend some concentrated 1-on-1 time w/your 4 yo (possibly while wearing your wee one) for a half hour or so doing "school" with him before you start with your olders? This is what I do with my 3 yo -- I bought some Kumon workbooks for her and she picks which 2 she wants to do each day, usually a dot-to-dot book and a maze book. I also have a place which is as toddler safe as I can make it and the youngers play in there while I work with the olders.


My other trick is to work with my eldest (7 yo) while the other three are down for their naps/rest time. Good Luck. I know how frustrating and, well, hard it is.

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I only have two and we're only doing preschool with the oldest, so it's not a big deal, but dd(1) just gave up her nap about a month ago and our school has gone from great to fitting it in wherever!!!! I even took a week off b/c it has been so frustrating. Today we started up again and started all together in the playroom. That was WAY too distracting, so we ended up moving school to the kitchen and my dd ran a muck in the rest of the house. Yes, it must get better. :) At least the majority of our school right now is read-alouds. She'll sit through most of that if I give her some special books.



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Can you do some schooling outside? Give 4yo some water in a tub and or a watering can, or have him paint the side of the house with water in a bucket? Gather leaves or acorns, then glue them on posterboard (gathering takes 10 minutes, gluing another 10, and voila! Math lesson can be accomplished!)? Can he dig a hole and see if there are any worms in the dirt?


How about sending him on a hunt around the house? Draw him a scavenger hunt sheet, and ask him to bring you 4 things on it--Find 5 blocks, tell me how many windows are in the living room, count how many pillows are on the beds, find a red crayon and a blue one, and so on. Make a grid with boxes and have him check off each thing he does. Might buy you enough time for a section of SOTW, for example!


My point is, perhaps giving him small tasks and teaching him to come to you quietly might help keep him focused for short periods of time so you can get some schooling done. Another way is to set up some stations for him to visit for a short time while you do school--can you set up some things in the same room?


Can he do 15 minutes or more of "room time" once a morning? Does he like audio books (the kind you get at the library--with the picture book)? You can tape or download two or three on an ipod and tell him to listen then draw a picture of the story. Can you do a tub of activities for him? Art? Shaving Cream on a tray?


Hope you find something helpful. I know you probably just wanted to vent--and I do understand, I really do.

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My two year old was often on my back or front from the time she was little - and now I wear her to get her to take a nap, and sometimes at bedtime. (I used them with all my kids, but the need for me to have extra hands increased with the number of kids!)

Find a comfy carrier, or two or three... My faves: pouch, wrap, mei tai, pod. Need some more info on these? try www.thebabywearer.com or www.wearyourbaby.com

My four year old needs much more activity than my 8 year old ever did (but, he's a boy, too). So my work with him is more physical, so that he is then more content to do a quiet activity for a bit while I work with the older one, or while he works along side us. He'll do lots of paperwork (coloring, cutting, 'writing') while we work on history or LA. As long as he can be included, he's happy!

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School your ds4. Get wipe off workbooks that can be done over and over. Give him puzzles, play dough, construction paper and scissors, math manipulative's, anything that will keep him sitting at the table during school. HWT manipulative's are great.

The Leapster by Leap Pad is great too. Most all the games are educational. My 4 year old will play with it for about an hour.

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I've been dreaming up ways to help the situation but everytime I try something it seems to blow up in my face. I guess I just need a good dose of perserverence!


My baby is usually pretty good about playing happily while I work with the older two until my ds4 comes along and sits on top of her, or knocks her over, or tries to pick her up, or whatever else to teach her that he is the King of this castle! I do have a baby sling but I hate it! It's not a nice one and I just never got the hang of using it. I can't afford to buy anything right now.


I did decide yesterday that I was going to make my ds4 have a nap after lunch. I read him a couple of books and told him to not get out of his bed until I came to get him. He never feel asleep and probably cried 'can I get out' for about 20minutes. I think maybe a better idea would be to have him have some room time in the afternoon, as someone suggested and get him some books on tape. I'm still trying to come up with some activities he can do by himself that won't be harmful to the baby.


Thanks again!

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Just wanted to offer another word of support. DD6 hurts my little guy all the time. She filled up the bathtub and put him in it when I was at the store (DH was in charge), taught him to climb up the bunk-bed ladder and slide (eek!), and today was soffocating him under a bean bag (she did not know she was doing it, they were wrestling). I am now afraid to leave them alone. It can makes things a lot harder all around.:grouphug:

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