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Good DE summer courses?

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We're trying to outline ds's next 2 years:)


What classes do you think are good for taking in summer session?


I remember taking Organic Chem in the summer & that was pretty hardcore- too much info to squeeze into such a short session.


I'm thinking classes with lots of content to learn, like Science, Math, & History would be tougher in the summer, but things like English 101 or ?? Might be better. Obviously Eng 101 would have lots of writing in a short time, but not the content to memorize like Sciences.


Ds would just do one summer DE course (plus math at home, that goes year round) if it fits around summer programs he's taking. So, he would not have a full course load summer.

Oh, & his first DE class will not be a summer class.


Opinions? Thanks

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Definitely no math or science - unless he is very interested and very strong. Summer classes go at double speed.

English - can be OK, if he likes writing; he'd have to write twice as much per week as in the regular semester.


Pro in summer is that classes are often a bit smaller. Con is the speed.

I'd pick whatever he is really passionate and interested in and willing to spend 4 hours a day on.

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I signed dd up for Drawing this summer.  That seems doable.


I'll agree that I think that content-heavy classes in the summer would be really tough - it would have to be something the student is interested in and willing to work really hard for to get it all in that quickly.  Depending on the kid, I'd also worry about retention - for some people it's not a problem, but for others cramming it in that quickly also means it only gets into short-term memory and gets dumped after class is over.


Summer at least is not as bad as intersession!

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Looking at the CC schedule, they don't offer a whole lot in the summer.


My friend teaches Eng 101 & I just emailed her to ask about it, she's says he could totally do it in the summer:)


The stuff he's really interested in is all comp sci & not offered summer session. Oh well.

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IMO only fluffy stuff or stuff to get out of the way, but I agree absolutely not math or science.  Except maybe some really really fluffo science course. 


I won't pay for summer courses myself for DE.  They charge the same amount of money for far less instruction.  It doesn't strike me as a very good value.  I don't see anything done at the high school level as a "git er done" thing to the same extent as I see some college courses.  With over a hundred credits needed yes there probably is some stuff to just "git er done", but with high school?  I dunno.  Nothing I'm willing to spend money on.



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