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Book suggestions--specific needs...


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Hi. I have a boy who is very drawn to any fighting stories--Civil War, knights, Star Wars, etc. All of which is okay and we do read these together, however, he is very influenced by what we have read. He can tend to be too rough as it is, so I don't want to feed this too much right now. I am looking for some tame but fun or exciting books. Some we have read in the past which fit this are :


All of A Kind Family books

Little House books

The Borrowers

Half Magic, etc. by Edward Eager


It seems books that were written some time ago or even just set 100 years or more ago (well, that depends, I guess) often fit the bill. I am looking for more along those lines.So, any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

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Five Children and It by E. Nesbit

The Railway Children by E. Nesbit

Larklight by Phillip Reeve

Swallows and Amazons by Arthur Ransom

101 Dalmatians by Dodie Smith

Bed Knob and Broomstick by Mary Norton


E. Nesbit wrote quite a few books. Five Children and It, is the first in a 3 book series. It's followed by The Phoenix and the Carpet, then, The Enchanted Castle.

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Stuart Little

Arthur Ransome books (Swallows and Amazons). These books are full of adventure without any 'combat'.

E Nesbit books Set at the turn of the 19th / 20th century, and also full of page-turning fun.

Spiderwick Chronicles

These are some books our son has enjoyed; he loves the books you have already mentioned so I hope these are compatible.

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A way that I find books for my boys is to go to Amazon or Barnes and Noble's site and find a book that they really liked. Usually on that page, they will recommend books that readers enjoyed if they liked that particular book. Then I will read the reviews on that book and see if it would be something they would like. I keep a running list of books just from doing that so they will always have something to choose from.

Try these books:

Tucket's Travels


Private Captain

The Great Turkey Walk

The Boy in the Alamo


Way Back in the Ozarks(Books 1 and 2)...awesome books!

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My #1 boy book is Pinocchio (unabridged) by Carlo Collodi and illustrated by Roberto Innocenti. Loved it! Loved it! Loved it! I read this aloud to my 10yo last year and we laughed quite a bit and enjoyed discussions about how this book closely related to a Biblical story. Don't run if you aren't a Christian. You will still enjoy it. It is absolutely wonderful and everyone with a young boy should read it to them, IMO. Of course you can read any unabridged copy, but the illustrations in the specific copy that I mentioned above are excellent!! We watched the movie (not the Disney one) after reading the book and it really matched the book and even the illustrations. Do put this one on your list!! Also visit KidsReads.com and our very own Angela's Walls of Books blog for more great suggestions. HTH!

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My #1 boy book is Pinocchio (unabridged) by Carlo Collodi and illustrated by Roberto Innocenti. Loved it! Loved it! Loved it! I read this aloud to my 10yo last year and we laughed quite a bit and enjoyed discussions about how this book closely related to a Biblical story. Don't run if you aren't a Christian. You will still enjoy it. It is absolutely wonderful and everyone with a young boy should read it to them, IMO. Of course you can read any unabridged copy, but the illustrations in the specific copy that I mentioned above are excellent!! We watched the movie (not the Disney one) after reading the book and it really matched the book and even the illustrations. Do put this one on your list!! Also visit KidsReads.com and our very own Angela's Walls of Books blog for more great suggestions. HTH!


Don't discount this book for girls! We love Pinocchio in this all-girl household. In fact, we read more boy-type books on the whole. More exciting, you know.



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