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In desperate need of prayer for mentally ill college student.

dirty ethel rackham

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A huge THANK YOU  to all of you for your prayers and support.  We are by no means out of the woods, but a few positive things took place at the therapist's office.  Communication lines were opened and there has been a reduction in hostilities.  We were able to come up with a compromise ... K will take a train to visit this friend this weekend and then come home to enter the intensive program.  This alleviated our fears that K would run away to this friend and not come home.  And K gets to see the friend who is only going to be around for a few more weeks before they move out of the country for a new job. 


This has taken a huge weight off my shoulders.  K will have to be reevaluated at the mental health center to see if this program is still appropriate and I am concerned that they will say that they are not longer qualified for it.  I know that once a week therapy and monthly visits to the psychiatrist will not be enough to affect change and we will be in this difficult holding pattern ... no direction, sleeping late and staying up late, no short term or long term plan. 

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K did agree to let me take them to see their old therapist in the city. We'll be leaving shortly. She might be able to convince K to enter the program.


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Yay! I'm happy to hear some progress in this area and am praying for you today. Hugs to K and your whole family :grouphug:

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