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SOTW 1: Kingfisher or Usborne Encyclopedia?


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I have a 15% coupon at Barnes and Noble. I want to get a resource for next year, first year. We're going to be using SOTW 1. I want to compare Usborne's Internet-Linked History Encyclopedia with Kingfisher's History Encyclopedia.


Which one did you use?

Why do you like/don't like it?

If you know both, which one do you like best?


I would like to get only one. I'm also getting some other books to round off our history program. I already bought SOTW 1 and its activity book.


Oh, and we like: a beautiful presentation, not too cluttered but toward cleaner design, interesting text, timeline and.. did I say beautiful? :D


I'm going to be hanging on to this resource for years to come so I would like to make a good decision.



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We're well past Grammar stage and veering away from TWTM in general (my son just turned 14), but our Kingfisher History is still one of the most used books I've ever bought.


We never much cared for the Usborne series. I found that the links in the Internet Linked editions are often outdated and even some of the updated links on the web site have been dead ends. I like the concept behind the books with the links, but since the Web often changes on a daily basis, it just doesn't work well.


We also found the Usborne books, in general, too busy. Too many pictures and not enough information. They were good when my son was younger sometimes leading him to want to learn more about something mentioned briefly, but for the most part we found the pictures to be more distracting from the content than helpful.




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I looked at both and, like someone else stated, I found KF to be too dry for the little kids. We are using Usborne and they LOVE it. Yes, it is more of an intro and less of an in-depth study, but that's what the grammar stage is anyway.


I haven't had any problem with outdated links because I go to the Usborne Quicklinks website and type in the book I am using. It then gives me a menu of link options. None of them have been outdated or broken.


I don't plan to use KF for my older kids, either. I plan to use the DK encyclopedia.



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Usborne Book of World History is my vote. I know it doesn't have the internet links but my ds loves it best of all we have. I own the Usborne Internet Linked, Kingfisher and Usborne World History. He likes the aforementioned b/c he can read and follow it himself and he loves the style reminds him of a comic book and he *loves* comic books!


FWIW, I love having all 3 for my personal reading. Before each chapter I read the pages listed in the SOTW AG from all 3 books. I feel it really helps me get the most out of our lessons since I am better prepared to guide our discussions! If you are like me and could use a little support in the history dept then I would get one for your dc now and one for you when the next 15% coupon comes out! :)

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I've never seen Usborne's Internet-Linked World Encyclopedia or the Book of World History. Do both have timelines? For me, timelines are a must to see the progression of events. We'll be doing a Book of Centuries too, and it would help me as well :)


I really liked Kingfisher when I saw it about a year or two ago. Couldn't stop leafing through it. Then again, dh and I both love history! Dh has adult history books lying around and a great Time Life series called "What Life Was Like" on Ancient Egypt, Babylon, etc. Really interesting. Dh also subscribes to Archaeology Magazine.


I guess that's why I want to get a really good history reference. Since we have the other adult books lying around, I want a book ds can look through. I'm still torn between Kingfisher and Usborne's (now two) selections..


Hmm.. my library only has one copy (can't borrow it as it is a reference) an hour and a half away.


Ds likes pictures, is just beginning to read and loves books.


If anyone can add more insight, please do so! I'm still undecided :confused:

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I just pulled out my Usborne Book of World History and it does have a time line in the back. The time line is divided into world regions: N. America, Central and S. America, Europe, Africa, Russia and Asia, Middle East, India, China and Japan, Far East and Pacific. On many pages there is a simple list of " Important Dates" as well.


Fwiw, many believe (and I agree) that for the grammar stage time lines are not so important. Age spans like we are talking about make very little sense to a mind still grasping the concept of 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour and 24 hours in a day - not to mention 10 years in a decade and 100 years in a century!!! Not to say don't do a time line or don't introduce a time line, I just wouldn't worry if your dc didn't grasp it for quite some time. For us, we decided to wait until the logic stage to really get into the fun of time lines. :)

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we like Usbourne for my 5 yo. I posted before that she just pours over it obsessed. It is so fun to watch. Another tip though, you MAY be able to buy books cheaper on Amazon than BN, even with a coupon. I cannot believe the price difference sometimes.

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Thanks! I think I will be buying the Usborne book but will get the KF one for the middle grades anyway :)


I want ds to look through the book and enjoy it. Usborne may be the key. It sounds as if either is a good choice, just for different ages.

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I am trying to find a copy of the Kingfisher History Encyclopedia to purchase...it looks like it may have gone out of print!? Does anyone know for sure? The only copies available from amazon are from used book sellers. I can't seem to find out any more information about this! Thank you!

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