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Would/could AP Environmental Science be considered and Earth Science?

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My son is not thrilled about taking Earth Science, however it is required for graduation in the state that we will be living in. He does plan on taking AP Environmental Science, would this count? 

Or do you think we could tweak it to cover?


My other thought, instead of doing a solid year of Earth Science is to cover it in blocks over the course of a couple of years. 



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What state? What do the requirements say about Earth Science? I've never heard of an Earth Science graduation requirement. Does it apply to homeschoolers? Colleges won't require Earth Science for admissions, so I would look carefully at if it is required for homeschoolers and what the requirement is. I think there is a good chance you could substitute Environmental Science, but just couldn't say without looking at the law.

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For some reason I guess I was under the impression we have to satisfy the graduation requirements in our State?? Am I wrong?


Here in Missouri I do not have to meet graduation requirements for public schoolers either. 


We did, but it was more accidental, than intentional. We worked toward college entrance requirements, not state ps graduation requirements.

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Montana's General Graduation requirements:



This says homeschoolers must meet above, above does not specify Earth Science:



Thank you!! I was just digging around in some info trying to figure it out.  The school district we are in requires one year of Earth Science & Space Science. So I'm assuming we need to comply with District requirements? He will be taking 4-5 science classes in HS, this was just one he wasn't looking forward too. 



Missoula County Public Schools requires that students entering the District earn a minimum of 24 credits to graduate.
  • 4 credits of English language arts
  • 2 credits of mathematics
  • 2.5 credits of social studies (includes one year of American History, one year of US Govt., and one semester of social science elective
  • 2 credits of science (includes one year of earth & space and one year of biological science)
  • 2 credits of health enhancement
  • 1 credit of arts (music, drama or visual art)
  • 1 credit of vocational/technical education
  • 9.5 credits of elective coursework
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Thank you!! I was just digging around in some info trying to figure it out.  The school district we are in requires one year of Earth Science & Space Science. So I'm assuming we need to comply with District requirements? He will be taking 4-5 science classes in HS, this was just one he wasn't looking forward too. 


  • 2 credits of science (includes one year of earth & space and one year of biological science)


No, I wouldn't think you have to follow district requirements. Homeschool laws are statewide, and I don't think Montana has any specific requirements at all, but you can double-check here: http://www.mtche.org/TheMTGuide.pdf


And I must say, that is the oddest science requirement I've ever seen! Only 2 credits of science, but one of them must be earth & space?


I don't know if I've ever seen any kind of earth science required. 

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The usual rule for colleges is that they expect to see at least 3 different lab science courses taken during high school. 


Does AP Environmental Science have a lab component?


(I find it unusual to have Earth Science listed for a high school requirement because where I am from (New York state) and where I live now (AZ) both typically do Earth Science in middle school.)

Edited by MarkT
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Earth science is a high school graduation requirement in our state, but students are allowed to take AP Environmental Science to meet the requirement. So non-honors track kids typically take a sequence of Earth Science, Biology, Chemistry and stop with just 3 science credits. Honors track kids typically take a sequence of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, AP Environmental Science.


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It's been a few years since I looked at what AP Environmental Science covers, but my recollection is that it's a fairly narrow slice of environmental science and mostly focused on ecology.  I'd make sure sure you really need the earth science for homeschoolers where he'll be graduating or needing it for college, which I haven't seen needed, esp. if DS isn't interested.  There's so much good, interesting science to learn.

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I believe Earth Science is required in Virginia as well. My daughter might take classes at Liberty university/academy and they require high school Earth science to graduate. 


No, Earth (or Earth & Space) is not required for graduation in VA ; however, it is commonly taught as 9th grade science (it is more a factor of what math course the student is in, as VA still follows a general science plan of Earth Space (also could be Physical Science in some places) 9th, Biology 10th, Chemistry 11th and Physics or AP in 12th.  This is based upon the average math progression of Algebra 1 (9th), Geometry (10th), Algebra 2 (11th) and Precalculus, or possibly AP Statistics (12th)


VA graduation requirements for both the standard and advanced diploma are 3 lab sciences from at least two fields of science, earth sciences, biological, chemistry and physics.  Here's the exact wording of the science notation from VADoE:


For students entering the ninth grade for the first time in 2011-2012 and beyond:  Courses completed to satisfy this requirement shall include course selections from at least two different science disciplines: earth sciences, biology, chemistry or physics or completion of the sequence of science courses required for the International Baccalaureate Diploma. The Board shall approve courses to satisfy this requirement.   

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Here is a nice, modern alternative to "Earth and Space Science" that also covers material in Enviro Science:


Global Systems Science. And it's free!


This looks pretty amazing! I spent some time on here this weekend. I'd love to incorporate this! Thanks Rose.


*Also, if you ever have a desire to share your World History plan w/ books for ninth grade I'd be all ears!!  :bigear:

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No, I wouldn't think you have to follow district requirements. Homeschool laws are statewide, and I don't think Montana has any specific requirements at all, but you can double-check here: http://www.mtche.org/TheMTGuide.pdf


And I must say, that is the oddest science requirement I've ever seen! Only 2 credits of science, but one of them must be earth & space?


I don't know if I've ever seen any kind of earth science required. 


I agree, he had it extensively in middle school, and it seems redundant. I actually called the superintendent office and they were very helpful. Montana also offers an online digital academy for free for Montana high school and homeschool students, which is pretty amazing. I'm hoping my DS can take his AP courses through them, and maybe Earth Science just to get it out of the way.

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This looks pretty amazing! I spent some time on here this weekend. I'd love to incorporate this! Thanks Rose.


*Also, if you ever have a desire to share your World History plan w/ books for ninth grade I'd be all ears!!  :bigear:


Sure.  We're going to take a Great Books approach, so intertwining global world history, ancients, with literature and other writings from the era. We're also doing a Theater Arts class that will be half performance and half analysis, so some of the plays that are actually part of Great Books study will fall under that category. I'll just list the main resources we plan to use for all three, and you can ask me if you want to know anything else.


History Resources

History of the Ancient World: A Global Perspective – Gregory Aldrete (Great Course)

The Other Side of History: Daily Life in the Ancient World – Robert Garland (Great Course)

Ways of the World: A Brief Global History with Sources, Vol. 1 – Robert W. Strayer

A Short History of Myth – Karen Armstrong

The Buried Book: The Loss & Rediscovery of the Great Epic of Gilgamesh – David Damrosch (Ch. 5-7)

Mapping the World With Art – Ellen McHenry (Ch. 1-5)


 Great Books - choose from this list (some items are more optional than others) ;)

The Epic of Gilgamesh

The Book of Job (Stephen Mitchell, trans.)

The Bhagavad Gita (optional)

Theogony – Hesiod

Tales from Ovid – Ted Hughes, trans.

The Argonautika – Appollonius (optional)

The Iliad – Homer

The Shield of Achilles by W H Auden

Ransom – David Malouf

The Trojan Epic: Posthomerica - Quinuts (selections)

The Odyssey - Homer

Plato – selected dialogues, probably just one

The Analects – Confucius (optional)

The Tao Te Ching

The Dhammapada (optional)

The Aneid (optional)

One Thoursand and One Nights

The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

Poetry by Rumi


For Great Courses, we have Vandiver's Greek Mythology, The Iliad, The Odyssey, The Aneid


Theater Arts - Plays to read & study

·         The Merchant of Venice – William Shakespeare

·         Agamemnon – Aeschylus

·         Antigone – Sophocles

·         Oedipus the King – Sophocles

·         Julius Caesar – Shakespeare

·         Anthony & Cleopatra - Shakespeare

and maybe some of Shakespeare's other Greek & Roman plays


Resources/Texts for TA:

Greek Tragedy Great Course – Elizabeth Vandiver (selected lectures)

Asimov’s Guide to Shakespeare – Isaac Asimov

Shakespeare’s Daughters – Sharon Hamilton

Shakespeare: Comedies, Histories and Tragedies Great Course (selected lectures)

How to Read and Understand Shakespeare Great Course (selected lectures)

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Sure.  We're going to take a Great Books approach, so intertwining global world history, ancients, with literature and other writings from the era. We're also doing a Theater Arts class that will be half performance and half analysis, so some of the plays that are actually part of Great Books study will fall under that category. I'll just list the main resources we plan to use for all three, and you can ask me if you want to know anything else.



Thanks Rose! I've been stalking your ninth grade posts :D. We are going to follow a Great Books approach as well, but I'm late coming into the planning phases of HS so I'm furiously researching. 

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This is a listing of the labs dd has done/will do this semester for AP Environmental:


Biogeochemical cycles in the community*

Eating lower*

Biodiversity on the school campus (multiple day)*

Physical and chemical properties of soil lab*

Plate tectonics

How much land?*

Carrying capacity of a mature oak forest

Carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel burning

Testing indoor particulate pollution (multiple day)*

Identifying and assessing sources of indoor air pollution (multiple day)*

Collecting and analyzing data of household water use (multiple day)*

Ingestion toxicology: LD50 calculations*


The labs marked with * involve "wet" work, collecting and analyzing data. The others involve manipulating and analyzing data. There are two different indoor air pollution labs because the weather did not lend itself to an outdoor lab when it was scheduled.

Edited by Luckymama
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