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What do you do about clothes as you're losing weight or hope to?

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I've gone from size 16 to 14 and am thrilled that I'm a size I haven't been in about 10 yrs. I went through my closet and got rid of a lot of clothes and saved others in case I gain the weight back (OHH, I hope not).


In the meantime, I've bought many new clothes in size 14 because it feels good, but I hope to continue to lose weight and get to size 12.


What do you do or did in this case? Clothes aren't cheap!

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I look frumpy for several months. :D


Seriously, since ds was born 17 months ago, I've gone from 191lb post-partum and struggling to yank on 16's, down to 143 with size 6's falling off of me. I'm back up to 151, with 6's still fitting funny.


I invested in a lot of size 12's, and wound up being upset when I kept shrinking. Eventually, I stuck to buying only 2 pairs of jeans per size, and making due with whatever else I had on hand. Fortunately, I have no paparazzi. ;)


I'm getting back on track to try to reach 140 and stay there, but I am not looking forward to that clothing dilemma. There's no way my hip bones could ever fit into a size 4, so I'm thinking I'll be needing some tailoring services. It's probably cheaper for me to carry a few extra pounds and invest in belts!


If you have any decent consignment shops around, I'd look into trading your 16's and 14's for store credit. It's slim pickings for women's consignment clothing in our area. If I were in need of a prom dress, I'd be all set though!

Congrats on your shrinking.

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You need some jeans that really fit, some pedal pushers or shorts, something to wear to church, and a pair of nicish pants or a niceish skirt--the skirts tend to be more forgiving than pants, and if you have a partially elastic waist it will self-adjust a bit. Then you need some tops that would look OK stretched out or not, and a good jacket.


That's pretty much it for a while.


Interestingly enough, nursing clothes work really well for this. They are made to adjust to a changing figure. Motherwear has some great ones, and they often show up on Ebay. They are not as obviously for nursing as some other brands--if you're a bit selective, you can do really well with those.

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My weight fluctuates due to pregnancies.


I like Kohl's for in-between clothing. Their pants are often on sale for $12-$15/pair. I find that three pairs in a size I won't wear that long is all I really need. I look for three basic colors and fabric with a bit of stretch because they adjust to a changing body better.


Congrats on your weight loss!

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I second as cheap as possible! And buy tight, and stretchy, not button. I've lost nearly 70 pounds, and when I'd lost about 40, I had to get a few things, simply because my bottoms were literally falling off. My sis got me 3 pairs of shorts at Goodwill (I can't afford anything!) and now those are too big. I am hoping to be able to get a couple of pairs of pants there soon, but plan to buy them as tight as I can, since I still have another 60 or so pounds to go. And I wash often enough, I hope they'll shrink. But, I was on steroids recently, for a lung infection, and I stopped losing weight--I've been struggling to start again, and think I'm getting back to it; still, I refuse to let myself gain. Think that way, and work hard at it--you worked too hard to go back--that is what I keep telling myself!!!


Congrats on the weight loss--I know how hard it is!!


PS I have really nice clothes in large sizes I had never worn (never went anywhere once my ex left, and I homeschool ;)), so I've decided to take it to Sold it on Ebay, and have them sell it. You might look at ebay, lots of people buy there! And there is an outlet online called BCO that a friend buys from, that she says is REALLY cheap!

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After I finished birthin' babies, I lost nearly 45 pounds. I tried to stick it out in my old clothes as long as I could, buying just enough pieces along the way to get by as needed and saving as much money as possible along the way for a spending spree at the end. When I reached my goal weight, I said



Ciao, baby!




to the chunky mama clothes, and took myself a-shopping.


Just do it. There's no "in case I gain the weight back." Tell yourself that you won't. If those clothes sit there, they will silently remind you every day that you don't even believe that you have the will to be slender.


Keep one enormous garment to remind yourself of what you once looked and felt like. Give away the rest.


Just my $.02! Congratulations and keep it up! :001_smile:

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I've had a different experience. For me, if my clothes don't fit & I feel frumpy, I can't find the...wherewithal? lol...to lose the weight. If I feel too awful about how I look, I get depressed, & I can't do anything about it.


So the 2 times I've really lost weight, I bought clothes that fit well & that made me feel better about how I looked. I figured I could have them altered or whatever.


Now...I only shop at resale stores up to, say, Target or Kohl's on SALE, so I'm not talking about huge amts of $. Just enough that you *feel* good. Imo.


As to the keeping stuff from the bigger sizes, I do have one tip. *If* you might even, say, *accidentally* have another baby & you have one or two things that you just LOVE, *do* think twice before tossing them. *Ahem.* It was a particularly CUTE denim skirt, & I spent more on it than I usually do, & I felt better in it than one would imagine that one could at such a size.


I'm just sayin'. :D

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