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A Good Astronomy online course? or Self paced option

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My son has really wanted to study Astronomy and we are looking for a Christian centered online Astronomy course that would be close to college level.  He has had Pre Calculus and all sciences for HS so looking to fill in a science until taking college Biology.  I have only found CLRC online and Scholars Online that offer but the times of those classes will not work for us.  Any others?  Thanks!

Edited by Homeschoolmom3
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Have you asked Anne Van Fossen at CLRC about a rescheduling? The reason is that each class usually only has a handful of kids and they really try to accommodate. Anne helped us find a common time among 5 families enrolled in Arabic last year. Just a thought if you can't find another vendor.


Will keep in mind.  Thanks!

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Have you asked Anne Van Fossen at CLRC about a rescheduling? The reason is that each class usually only has a handful of kids and they really try to accommodate. Anne helped us find a common time among 5 families enrolled in Arabic last year. Just a thought if you can't find another vendor.


I have emailed to ask her.  My son wants to take Greek there too.  Have you taken the Astronomy class there?  Any thoughts?  My son took one year of Latin at Scholars Online and didn't think he learned too much since there is no "live" participation just only on chat.  So we are trying to stay clear of them for his style of learning and I don't know of any other place that offers Astronomy besides Landry Academy and that course looks pretty weak looking at the curriculum used.  :(


Anyone know of anywhere else I have missed?

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Not online, but do you know this?


It seems christian to me.


Thanks for the suggestion, I have looked at it but it looks a bit on the light side.  Am I wrong?  I am looking to more college level or close to it with an online option.  I believe that is the text that Landry Academy uses. 


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What is Christian astronomy? We are devout Christians, so I am not sure what you are asking. If you are asking for a young earth astronomy course (which is an oxymoron bc astronomy pretty much disproves young earth), the resources you will be able to use are going to be extremely limited and you are going to have to specify "young earth astronomy" vs. Christian in order to filter through resources that meet your objective.


One of my sons loves all things physics and astronomy (currently a physics major in college) and his first astronomy course was the one mentioned by EKS. It is offers a solid foundation as an introductory astronomy course. (Having at least an introductory level physics course will make the info more accessible.)

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Thanks for the suggestion, I have looked at it but it looks a bit on the light side. Am I wrong? I am looking to more college level or close to it with an online option. I believe that is the text that Landry Academy uses.


As foreigner it is hard to say to me what is highschool, what is college level.

But it is the only christian astronomy course I am aware of besides the one from the apologia Elementary serie.


In our family we use more secular science in the higher highschool years,

We want to discuss that at home first.

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ASU is offering an astronomy course through their global freshman initiative at EdX scheduled to start in mid March. You can earn ASU credit if you pay their fee. You can also audit it for free. This is the first time they've offered the class so there won't be any reviews.





I have to agree with 8, I don't think you'll find a college level class that takes a young earth perspective.

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Thanks for all of your replies, I do agree Astronomy with the young earth belief is far and in between. I did hear of an Astronomy curriculum called Survey of Astronomy that is at Master Books. I am leaning towards that and adding in other good books as supplement. Want him grounded before being thrown all of the other theories. I need to research must reads in the area that are not controversal. Thanks everyone!

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