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How many times have I been walked in on while nursing in...a compromised state?

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Did the AC man walk into your house??? He should get fired or at least reprimanded for that, my lands. An employee should never walk into the house before an adult appears. Doesn't matter how long he knocks. That's what PHONES are for. He can stand on your porch and call you to see why you're answering. There would be no excuse for walking in, certainly not for coming into your bedroom. Yuck, ew. Or maybe I'm totally misunderstanding?

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Did the AC man walk into your house??? He should get fired or at least reprimanded for that, my lands. An employee should never walk into the house before an adult appears. Doesn't matter how long he knocks. That's what PHONES are for. He can stand on your porch and call you to see why you're answering. There would be no excuse for walking in, certainly not for coming into your bedroom. Yuck, ew. Or maybe I'm totally misunderstanding?




When I read the title of this thread, I was not picturing it happening in your own home!!! I was almost walked in on in the cry room at church - and I thought that was bad. A dad took his baby out and thought it was an equal opportunity cry room - ugh! I guess it can be if they want an eye-ful.

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Did the AC man walk into your house??? He should get fired or at least reprimanded for that, my lands. An employee should never walk into the house before an adult appears. Doesn't matter how long he knocks. That's what PHONES are for. He can stand on your porch and call you to see why you're answering. There would be no excuse for walking in, certainly not for coming into your bedroom. Yuck, ew. Or maybe I'm totally misunderstanding?


We're in an apt; he was just here to change the filter. When we were selling our house last summer, though, we had a showing the morning dd1 was born & didn't get the phone call. I was *topless.*


Apparently, I'm developing a reputation. You'd never think it of me. Really. :lol:

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LOL!! :lol:


I have one of my own!!


I was driving home from visiting my mother with my two oldest children -- my daughter was 3 1/2 and my son was 4 months old. It was a good 4 hour drive and, about an hour and a half away from home, my baby couldn't wait any longer!


So I pulled off the road and parked between the edge of the road and a cornfield. Really in the middle of nowhere. I got my baby out of his carseat and brought him into the driver's seat with me and sat down. So I'm nursing him and my 3 year old is just talking a mile a minute, asking me all sorts of questions like "How long do cows live?" and "How high is that corn?" etc.,


So I didn't hear the policecar pull up behind me. The officer walks up to the car, sticks his head in the window and and his first comment is, "Do you need any help, Ma'am?" -- and there's my son, just nursing for all he was worth,


Then the officer turned bright red, yanked his head back out of the window, adjusted his hat and said, "Well...I suppose not." :blushing:


I reassured him that we were all fine, while trying not to laugh my head off, and my 3 year old proceeds to climb on top of me, and her brother, to strike up a conversation with the poor officer, as if she were his long-lost cousin. "Hi! My name's Elizabeth! I'm 3 years old! How old are you? Do you have a gun? Can I see your gun? This is my brother. He's 4 months old. We're on our way home from my Nana's house......"


The poor guy hurried away as fast as he could.



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Guest Virginia Dawn

The person who oversees the nursery needs to consider those kind of situations and prepare the workers or have some other kind of plan. I think it's great that dads share the childcare duties during worship.


Both churches we went to when I was in nursing mode handled it well. One had a separate small (read very tiny) room decked out just for nursing moms. The other had a magnetic Caution! sign that would be hung on the nursery door. It worked most of the time. :-)

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