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Sometimes, I just wish I could chat through all of my thoughts and plans...

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It's not that I don't appreciate the message boards...but sometimes I just miss having people to really talk about these things with IRL.


There are so few homeschoolers out here, even fewer with older kids, and once you take out the Abeka Academy, LU Online, and Classical Conversations folks, it's even more lonely.


My husband listens, but he has nothing to add.  


I'm usually the "go-to-person" for information about different programs...and I just miss having more people IRL who have BTDT. I also get tired of being the "go-to-person."  I do enjoy helping people, but I also wish there was someone for me to lean on, too.


Right now, I'm working through 7th, 9th and 11th grade plans for next year.  I'm trying to make some solid "If, then" plans (Certain courses we want to take through the school, but if those aren't available, what would be the best way to go about this?  And, can we do this with limited internet?  And NO live on-line courses). Since we've been through 7th twice, I'm pretty good there.  Even have most of the curriculum.


But, 9th grade is shaping up different for PonyGirl than it did for LEGOManiac. It's LEGOManiac's junior year, so there are a few more things to try to nail down (or get out of the way).  Man, I wish I could fly my mother here to help me with all of the record keeping mess.  She'd have me organized in a week.  


Just in a funky mood...being sick for four out of the past 6 weeks will do that, I guess.  Well enough to see what needs to get done and make lists, and do some reading.  To sick to get anything really accomplished.



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It's not that I don't appreciate the message boards...but sometimes I just miss having people to really talk about these things with IRL.




Sorry you're having those challenges.  I feel some of the same things sometimes.  Sorry I didn't contact you when we in your city in November.  If you or other folks in similar situations want to chat via Skype, etc., let me know (FYI, I'm not on the boards all the time); you probably know if you've got similar goals by looking at what we're doing (in my signature line, etc.).  Best wishes!

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There are so few homeschoolers out here, even fewer with older kids, and once you take out the Abeka Academy, LU Online, and Classical Conversations folks, it's even more lonely.




 I'm here in the States, in a very populous state, and I could have written that statement. I wish I could help but sending you  :grouphug:  anyway.

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I felt the exact same way for years. There are TONS of homeschoolers around me, but the vast majority homeschool for religious reasons and academics are not a priority. When I talk to locals about homeschooling they are using a box and have no interest in changing. They don't want to discuss or explore curriculum. They don't try to match learning styles for their kids. I end up feeling like I'm from a different planet. I gave up. I only talk homeschooling on these boards. I would have loved to have had a group of IRL homeschool friends that I could have shared with, but it just didn't happen. It made me all the more thankful for these boards.

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I wish I had that too.  We have just been at this a little over a year and I know a couple other moms so far but there are big differences in curriculum and other things. I just started having monthly meet ups with a group of homeschooling moms so maybe that will turn into something.  It's good to have different views and ideas but it's nice when people can relate as well.  I would like to share some of the writing that my kids do to get feedback but I really don't want to post it on a message board.  They would not appreciate me doing that.   

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I felt the exact same way for years. There are TONS of homeschoolers around me, but the vast majority homeschool for religious reasons and academics are not a priority. When I talk to locals about homeschooling they are using a box and have no interest in changing. They don't want to discuss or explore curriculum. They don't try to match learning styles for their kids. I end up feeling like I'm from a different planet. I gave up. I only talk homeschooling on these boards. I would have loved to have had a group of IRL homeschool friends that I could have shared with, but it just didn't happen. It made me all the more thankful for these boards.


We've survived nine years of homeschooling thanks to these boards. I would have lost my mind trying to do it alone. In the early years, there were a few people IRL to talk with, but homeschooling high school is like entering the hinterlands.



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I'm so blessed to have a couple of local friends to chat with about homeschooling teens. I love message boards too, but it really does make a huge difference to have someone in person to just bounce things off of. Our local support group has gone through changes and challenges--used to be bigger, then had a few really slow years, but a few people with vision have been working hard to build it back up and there's a good core of younger moms coming again. I hope they can continue to support each other and grow together, and see that value of in-person support even as some of us are nearing the end of our homeschool years. 

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Tomorrow will be better. Get lots of rest and take care of yourself.

Keep your lists, but use them like an extra memory bank. I have an ongoing to-do list on the inside of a cabinet (so I don't have to look at it all the time.) Stuff gets done when it gets done, and no sooner. What are they going to do, fire me?


You will feel better.


I have never really found anyone I could talk to IRL about homeschooling--even the hsing folks who have kids my age have different philosophies and goals, so conversations are more frustrating than rewarding. I go for long walks in the morning where I talk to....myself!! Turns out I am very good company! :D









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Yes, take a deep breath and realize that you already probably know more than you think you do about homeschooling YOUR children in high school.


Most of our homeschooling friends bailed for high school.


Others ended up on a path very different than I intended for mine. Some chose boxed curriculum. Some basically let their kids homeschool themselves in a way that was not oriented towards the goals we have for our children. Some have accused me of putting mine on a path of elitism. Homeschooling through high school in a rigorous way has a lot of naysayers among the people we know.


After going through all of that with my oldest, I actually stopped sharing any details with most of my friends. My younger one is in multiple AP and honors classes, and the only one who knows is DH and one friend who did the same.


And that's OK. Sometimes your online friends meet needs that your face-to-face ones don't. At least we have that!



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Leaving for Venice tomorrow morning. Feeling better. I guess I should at least be grateful that I no longer need to consider DE or live online classes. Since it appears we're staying overseas for 3+ more years, our internet issues, juggling time differences and scheduling with extra curricular activities have eliminated those options from consideration.

Thank you.


That said, you should see the number of topics I don't post. I could seriously be a board hog...

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Leaving for Venice tomorrow morning. Feeling better. I guess I should at least be grateful that I no longer need to consider DE or live online classes. Since it appears we're staying overseas for 3+ more years, our internet issues, juggling time differences and scheduling with extra curricular activities have eliminated those options from consideration.

Thank you.


That said, you should see the number of topics I don't post. I could seriously be a board hog...


When I started homeschooling, we lived overseas far from any US bases.  I didn't know anyone else that was homeschooling.  The boards were about the only homeschooling sounding board I had.  


I know very few homeschoolers that I have a perfect overlap with.  But that's ok.  Different people have different passions.  I try to enjoy them in the areas of overlap that we do have, even if it is just commiserating about high library fines.


Sometimes I can hook up with someone who has a passion that meshes well to one of our passions.  Someone else to do Mythology Exam or Latin or Science Olympiad or chemistry lab.  It's ok if we don't correspond in every single subject.


I think you should try to relish living overseas while you can.  I really wish we could get back to Europe now that the kids are much older.  On the other hand, I might have been more reluctant to just hop a plane or train if the kids had been older.  I never made it to Ravenna, Venice, or Florence, which I regret.


And I agree that you should go ahead and post whatever topics you have.  Cathartic and it might help you and help others.

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I have never been able to talk to any of the homeschoolers I know IRL about anything related to academics - curriculum, course choices, etc.

Our academic path is so far from removed what the other families are doing that I might as well live on a deserted island in that respect.

Any interaction was purely social so the kids had somebody to play with.

Edited by regentrude
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