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Who's going to tackle Wednesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good morning
- start car- done
- get coffee- cup 1 in hand
- get dd1 up and dressed- done
- get dd1 on bus- done
- get myself dressed (I'm messy when I first get up)- done
- get everything ready for school- Done
- greet sitter (tell sitter going to be late)- done
- go to school-done
- get one of dd2's birthday gifts- done
- home- done
- get dd1 off bus- done
- school work
- dinner- in crockpot
- baths
- bedtime routine
- anything else I get done- tidied house, put dirty dishes in dishwasher (not enough to start it yet),

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Good morning!


I made lunch and breakfast last night so I could sleep in. I stayed up late doing some laundry ds and I needed clean for today. 


SInce I was up late, I decided to go ahead and start making my bullet journal. 


My dad comes today. He's been on a 2 week jaunt touring south GA and going into south FL all by himself. He did call us every day and let us know where he was, but I couldn't help but worry. He's 78 years old. I'm glad he's still able to do such a thing, though. 


To Do:

shower and get dressed

take ds to my best friend's house to stay for the day while she and I go into Atlanta shopping (We were supposed to do this in December for her birthday, but her dad got really bad then and passed away. We're finally able to get the time to do it.)



work more on setting up journal



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So much to do I can't write it all down.



--gym for training

--usual daily things

--APES exam for dd; grade right away

--write psych exam

--register dd for a bunch of things, which means I have to block out an hour to be on the computer

--write official letter changing dd's status on this past PSAT


And then regular school and food and emails and driving about...

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Wednesday, usually my favorite day because I do more housework.


Today the maids are coming, or so they say.  (They are already 20 minutes late, but that is nothing new.)  When the maids are here, it's more distracting than usual, but that generally suits me fine.  Usually the other adult residents clear out to their offsite office, which also suits me fine.


I will have to do some tidying, but most of it has been done over the past several days.


Today's list:

  • Curl Miss A's hair, by her request, while she reviews for her science test.  [done]
  • Kids ready & headed to the school bus.  [done]
  • Take out the garbage.  [done]
  • Clean kitchen and bathrooms.  [done]
  • Tidy downstairs.  [done]
  • Work.
  • Tidy my & kids' bedrooms.  [done]
  • One load of laundry.  [done]
  • Run to the bank.
  • A little exercise.
  • A little reading.
  • Kids' work.
  • Kids to swimming. Walk while they swim.
  • Dinner.
  • More kids' work.
  • Kids to bed.
  • Work.
Edited by SKL
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Slept terribly last night because of a huge knot in my shoulder! The pain kept waking me up and I couldn't get comfortable. So I'm having a slow start which is fine since I don't need to be anywhere and the kids are playing amazingly together.


- school

- clean bathrooms

- finish cleaning my room

- read for an hour

- kids clean 15 minutes

- confirm pet sitting for this weekend

- I'm sure there is more

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Good morning! Dmil left for her trip to Chicago. Dh and dd1 leave for a meet tomorrow. It would be a quiet weekend, if we didn't have a meet as well as judo tournament. I am waiting to hear about a ride for ds2. Ds1 heads back to school on Sunday.


To do:

School for all

Wait for phone call re: piano


Clean kitchen/ general pickup

Write exam

Other Jen things


PM practice/aikido

Post office/errands

Pizza night!


Have a great day!

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Slow starting day... I went back to sleep and still need a Hot bath!

DD 10 prepared breakfast and coffee ( Love Crunch and Stonyfield WM French Vanilla Yogurt)   

DD 10 got the mail and I sorted it ( exciting to get an Art History book today!)


I must block off 1 hour to pay bills online, check on a hotel reservation and cancel the Disney club


School: Science dvd, TT math, Phonics/ Copywork and Latin 


Laundry 2 loads 


Organize boys closet and toys


Plan supper ( I need to delegate more help with this)


Leftovers for lunch (  Lasagna (I learned to make in college) or Baked Salmon)


Get ready for our Art/ PE co-op tomorrow and plan a short visit to a park 





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1:30 pm check in:


human care done

medical care done

pet care done

I know that most of school is done but I need to check in with the kids to see if all of it has been done.

cleaned the kitchen well - I love lumpia but it does grease up the kitchen.

brought up paper towels but we are out of snack baggies.  I need to put that on the list.


Next - work on laundry

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I did not get to make the phone calls and ended up taking a load of children to church last night.  


No more sleepovers during the week for our ps kids... ear piercing in the middle of the night?  Really??


I did clean up the mess they made in the kitchen this morning and shut the front door! 


Now for my bill paying  etc...


Art/PE starts today and I completely forgot we must rush to get home today for the Bookmobile.  


I plan to stop and buy some pizza's at Aldi's since Trail Life is also tonight!


Math and car schooling today will have to do!

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