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Who's going to tackle Friday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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I already dropped dd off for the bus ride to the Model UN conference :)


--daily and Friday things

--buy an adapter for dd20 at the AAA store

--do any other bits of shopping with her (she leaves for studyabroad on Sunday!)

--forward an email

--other emails

--make doctor appointment

--finish titling old home movies which are being digitized


--make a dairy-filled dinner since dd is away at MUN :D

--register for next month's ACT if her Dec scores aren't back yet or if her Dec scores aren't what she wanted


I really want to go back to sleep now...

Edited by Luckymama
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What I should do vs. What I want to do?




Return books to HS library

Print off some school materials. 

Make a list of anything else I need to get for this spring semester





Babies were sick last night and I haven't had a lot of sleep.

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Didn't get enough done yesterday.  Jetlag is a b****.


Today's list:

  • Get kid up early to finish homework she could not finish last night.  [done]
  • Get other kid up and get kids ready & out to school bus.  [done]
  • Pet care.  [done]
  • Re-wash the load of laundry I left in the washer all night.  Dry, fold and put away.  [dried and folded, but putting away will wait.]
  • Clean the kitchen etc.  [Hmm, the kids are down there making chewing gum from a kit they got for Christmas.  Not sure how that will end.  At least they thought to put on aprons first.]
  • Tidy the kids' rooms some more.  [birthday, Christmas, and travel debris still everywhere.]  [Probably not happening today.]
  • Work.  [umm....]
  • A little exercise.  [umm...]
  • A little reading.  [done]
  • Contact sister about logistics of getting fish back.  [done]
  • Pack for weekend at Kalahari.  [Told the kids to pack theirs.  Should be interesting.]
  • Kids to Build-a-Bear?  [Nope.]
  • Dinner out - Hard Rock Cafe?  (Didn't have time for it on kid's birthday.)
  • Drive to Kalahari.
  • Whatever we have energy for before bed.
  • Probably more work after kids are in bed - if I am over the jetlag!
Edited by SKL
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Hi everyone-

haven't been around much lately. busy with work and life. pulled kids from their far-away coop so i find myself magically having an extra 9 hours each week (no more driving). Whew.


1. drop kids at coop-DONE

2. finish CEUs for licensure-DONE

3. apply for renewal

4. go to office--weekly number crunching

5. walk dogs--DONE

6. clean kitchen

7. vacuum-DONE

8. essential oils

9. put clothes away

10. LLC-begin process-DONE-YAY!

11. pick up groceries for dinner-DONE

12. mail itbs test back-DONE

13. fold clean laundry-DONE

14. wash sheets-DONE

Edited by Halcyon
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Good morning!



Make dinner for friends with a new baby.

Deliver dinner to friends.

Take Ds to my mom's.



plan meals for next week and make grocery list

discuss Saturday plans with Dh


Enjoy the evening with Dd and Dh. Watch a movie or play games?


Dinner - shepherd's pie



I hope you find the book soon, Jean!!

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Good morning
- call in dh's meds- done
- call on titer- done
- pick up dh's meds and titer results- dh got his meds, I forgot the doctors office closed at 3
- fold laundry- sheets and blankets folded and space bagged- all done :)
- laundry- in dryer
- dishes- in dishwasher
- tidy house- round 1 done
- get dd1 off bus- dh is picked her up
- dinner- meat pulled to thaw- scratch that we are getting pizza to celebrate me getting into nursing school (yeah dh just realized that we didn't celebrate that accomplishment and I don't feel like going anywhere or spending much money)
- baths
- bedtime routine
- anything else I get done- ironed on dd1's brownie patches, went through my pj drawer, cleaned kitchen, dd1 has a friend over, swept and mopped kitchen and hall, vacuumed living room, set up changing area for sitter so she won't need to go into master bedroom for anything. Reminded dh about BB gun club with dd1. 

Edited by MomtoCandJ
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Good morning! We didn't get the house, can't compete with a cash offer. Or people who will waive inspection on a 75 yr old house. But another house went on the market (though much more $$) and we are going to see it this afternoon.


We may be living here for a long time. But dmil seems happy to have us.


To do:

Cancel paper (done)


School for all


Clean kitchen/general pick up

Read a little

Go look at house

PM practice/aikido


Leftovers for dinner


Have a great day!

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Jean, have you found the book?


We are mostly done for the day. List completed except to talk with Dh, who isn't home yet, and watch a movie.

Dinner is in the oven and Dd has picked a horse movie to watch tonight.


No.  But ds has found a pdf version to actually read for school so at least we don't have to sit around waiting to find it.  I probably won't be able to really look for it until tomorrow

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