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Post-acceptance Slump (Is anyone else really tired?)

Teacher Mom

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She did it; she got accepted to her dream school. I only have 6 more months to be a homeschooler. Freedom is just down the road for this reluctant (at first) homeschooler. So why am I so tired and wish school could just end tomorrow? I know she has to keep up the course work. I just don't want to do this anymore. 


Someone give me a kick in the butt or write that you have been here where I am so I won't feel so bad about wishing this time away.

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Congratulations to your daughter and you!


I am there with you. Dd has acceptances and scholarships, but there are more scholarship competitions to go, and she found out Friday that she can't audition at one school until mid-March.  I am so ready to knit, sew, work out regularly, de-junk the house... Wah!!!!


I have no wise advice. Dd is going to crunch when she can on the weekends to finish a batch of 1/2 credits for our cover, and we went shopping together at Fresh Market and Whole Foods last night. We haven't done that in months, and it's fun for us. Tea this morning, and we're back at it. Only about 14 weeks to go. 

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Just reached post-acceptance, technically we have one deferral, but it is out of the running now.  Ds has two reasonable choices, both state universities.  One, he is DE at right now, quite a commute, but possible.  The other has a small satellite campus near our home, but the university itself is also quite a commute.  He has been accepted to honors programs on both campuses.  


I am now very, very tired.  I am glad that the decisions are in, and there are no more test/essays/interviews.  DE starts tomorrow, and he (and I) will actually be able to focus on classes instead of applications.  It was torture while it lasted, but I'm really glad that we did EA for all of the schools and are done.


ETA: Realized that I sounded disappointed, instead of just tired.  We really are happy with our options and ready to move forward.

Edited by Joules
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 Dd has acceptances and scholarships, but there are more scholarship competitions to go 


This is where we are as well. 


I'm so tired that I have to bite my tongue so I don't say, "Can't you just settle on Very Good and Very Affordable University and be done with it??" 


We'll be done traveling this month, unless she decides to accept an unexpected invite for February (say no, say no, say no, lol). 

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Lots of acceptances received, but nowhere close to done yet. Scholarship competitions in progress (and though dd has been very successful in admissions, she has not done so well with scholarships this far.) She doesn't enjoy the "game" at all, so I wouldn't say any of this is fun because she's pretty unenthusiastic about selling herself over and over to various committees. She's a likely NMF, but not terribly excited about the schools with automatic NMF scholarships (though she did apply.) We will see how this goes, and I fully expect that a conclusion won't be reached until April.

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Acceptances have come in as expected as none were reaches. Doing the scholarship dance now with more applications and competitions. I don't expect resolution until April. I am very tired. I keep telling ds we have come so far we need to push through and finish strong. He is doing better than I am though. The pep talk is for me.


I don't feel like taking any more college visits (even those in the context of scholarship competitions). I am done.

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Yes, and we have one letter from University of Rochester still out, a college scholarship competition in February, one in early March, FASFA, his desire to be completed with his last assignment by May 1st which is going to really keep me going since dh doesn't know if his work schedule is going to accomodate calc teaching so if that falls on my plate YIKES (uhm...last boy, the sophomore who will need calc 1 next year is taking it at the university so I can breathe because my burnout is a little bit more extreme this year than I thought it would be), four college visits, and a rocket team to mentor that has another senior on it whose parents are kind of clueless and not helping him at all so guess who is the defacto college guidance counselor for him! Yah, you guessed it.


Big time tired and my grandson was born five weeks early and his challenges have worn out my daughter so in the midst of it all, I'm going to Albany to take care of her for nine days. I am thrilled to be meeting dear Nathaniel and happy, oh so happy, to help her, but still feeling exhausted and stressed about everything ahead in the next couple of months.


Oh, and without a financial package and still no complete scholarship picture, we have two schools demanding we register for orientation!!! Well, since they aren't asking for fees, we'll register for both, and then I guess back out when he makes his final decision. One school is in the running, one of them is not, and I have to wonder about the other three schools and whether or not they will demand early registration. Everything just seems to get earlier and earlier each year, and I'm kind of tired of it!



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Oh, and without a financial package and still no complete scholarship picture, we have two schools demanding we register for orientation!!! 


I will never understand this. How can they expect anyone to commit to something without knowing the financial picture? One of our most prominent state schools has binding early decision. If you are accepted you have 10 days to put in your deposit which is required because you applied early decision and they don't provide you financial information for months after that. People still do it. 

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