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What are we all reading?

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Some of the best books we've read have come from suggestions on this board, so I'd like to open it up again in search of more great books for my daughter (9) and for me.


Here's what we're reading right now:


DD(9) independent reading

- Fiction: The 39 Clues (there are many, many, many books in this series!)

- Non-fiction: Horribly Famous - Elvis



- Fiction: John Grisham - Rogue Lawyer (a Chrissy present)

- Non-fiction: The Explosive Child (hoping to learn something amazingly helpful)



- Fiction: Wonder

- Non-fiction: Life of Fred pre-alg Biology and The Elements by Theodore Gray



What are you reading?

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Non-Fiction: World History through 1000 Objects by DK books and the Smithsonian (SO GREAT! Almost like Theodore Gray for History)

Molecules by Theodore Gray

Fiction: just finished Magnus Chase and eagerly waiting for Apollo



Fiction: UnderWorld series

NonFiction: In between right now. He is finishing his travel agency projects for the Odyssey and Herodotus. I think he is going to do either Xenophon or Thuclydities (sp?) next



Fiction: Siddharta by Herman Hesse

NonFiction: Utopia by Thomas Moore

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The explosive child is an awesome book.  It takes desire and practice to change your parenting style, but it made a massive difference to how I worked with my older son. At first if felt awkward and staged, but now it is second nature. 



fiction: reading through the middle school Mensa List. Currently: National Velvet

nonfiction: national geographic cover to cover



fiction: just finished House of Leaves, and taking it easy over our summer with the White Gold Wielder fantasy series.

nonfiction: Scientific American and the Economist



The Odyssey, Fangles translation



Fiction: The Moonstone (I listen to fiction as I can't stand to read it)

Nonfiction: I thought it was just me (but it isn't): 'Making the journey from what will people think?' to 'I am Enough'  (This is a book on overcoming shame and supporting others in overcoming shame.  I am a tutor and work with a lot of kids who have some serious issues, shame included.  This is a *awesome* book)

Nonfiction as study: AP chemistry, AP statistics, AP calculus.  All prep for my tutoring.  This is a pretty huge undertaking for the summer!


Ruth in NZ

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The Mysterious Benedict Society

Itch:  The Explosive Adventures of an Element Hunter (as a fun read aloud)

The Shakespeare Stealer (school read aloud)


DS11 (does not enjoy reading independently, but we are working on it)

BIg Game by Stuart Gibbs (fun read aloud)

He has either Henry Reed or a book called Keeper that I am encouraging him to read on his own

not sure what is up next for school reading



The Lake House (Kate Morton)

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I'm reading:

Candy, a century of panic and pleasure

Have a New Kid by Friday

Where we got the bible: our debt to the Catholic Church

Dracula (just started)


Just finished:

Thank you for arguing (great read)

Robinson Crusoe


Recent read that was great was The History of the World in Six Glasses

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I'm reading: Prince Caspian (somehow never the Narnia series)


DS11 is reading: The Hobbit and random Hardy Boys books on the side.

Just finished reading Seven Sons and Seven Daughters with him


DD8 is reading: School of Fear

I'm reading to her: Twenty-One Balloons


DD6: (I'm reading to her) Mr Popper's Penguins

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Ooh, so many new books for my wishlist!

Thanks for all the new ideas.


I'm really pleased to hear some feedback about The Explosive Child. I admit that I'd slowed down on it, feeling a bit like the process could feel contrived, as you said Ruth. But I now feel motivated to push on with it and give it a go.

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I am finishing up The Country of Ice Cream Star and starting The Good Lord Bird next.

I loved the consistent "dialects" in No Country for Ice Cream Star. It would be interesting to hear the author talk about that. I was a bit disappointed with the end, though.


I'm reading the oft-recommended here, Wool by Hugh Howey and loving it.

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MeFiction: Siddharta by Herman Hesse

I think this is probably Hesse's best book, I totally loved it (and as a Buddhist I found it really interesting).


Him: Various 'Murderous Maths' books, Usborne Classics Retold version of 'The Cenerbury Tales' (which he is loving), The Complete Works of Calvin and Hobbes for the fourth time, Mockingjay


Me: Fiction - Have almost finished 'My Name is Red' by Orhan Pamuk

       Non-Fiction - 'The Edge of the World: How the North Sea Made Us Who We Are' by Michael Pye and 'Museums of Istanbul'

       Audiobook (in amongst all the podcasts) - 'Invention of Nature' by Andrea Wulf

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