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Who's going to tackle Friday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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DS/DD Chem and Comp...plus running lines for tomorrow night's play.

Some last cookie baking, and a couple deliveries.

Laundry, cleaning out school supplies.

Clean floors(dog blowing her coat), bathrooms, and kitchen.

Making sure we have videos and books downloaded/preparing for the next 9 weeks of school.

Menu planning, recipe organization, shopping list.


Our Christmas Thank you notes have been mailed. I think that's a record.


Scratch the above...I wrote this before going downstairs. Apparently,there was a party downstairs, and everything is everywhere. The house has to get picked up (LEGO, coloring, intermingled with food, dishes, and trash), trash collected (someone left the trash out, and my dog had her own party), and dishes washed before we can start.

Edited by LisaK in VA is in IT
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I intend to start the new year off with some exercise and a long walk.  Beyond that I just need to do a few basic things -- a load of towels, vacuum the kitchen, make a gallon of tea, etc.  I hope that'll leave a little time for some normal holiday activities.  Like reading and napping. :laugh:

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DSS 21&20-went out so probably sleeping

DD 17-work

DS14,DDS12&8-sleep, do their laundry

DH and I-go out to breakfast and enjoy that rare treat, then take a walk


The afternoon will probably feature family games. Tomorrow everything resumes-work, sports, school planning, packing up the secular Christmas decorations. The nativities get left out until Epiphany. Much cleaning really needs to ensue.

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Make potatoes au gratin - done!

Devil hard boiled eggs

get everyone up

Go to mass

come home and make fruit salad

set table

enjoy brunch with married dd and sil


go to adoration

since we didn't do take out last night, take out tonight!

force kids and dh to watch that Michael Pollan documentary

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Good morning

- get girls (they stayed the night at inlaws)- dh got them

- laundry- in washer and dryer

- tidy house- round 1 done

- school work (it's an online thing required for all students)- done, though this was directed at faculty and not students :/

- finish master deep clean- just vacuuming and my area left (ok mainly my desk and then I need to organize it all, dh is going to build me another bookcase since my other one is nearly full already and I haven't even started first semester (though I do have my required books but have not gotten all of my reference books for this semester and for the rest of my program))

- start living room deep clean (dh is home to help me move stuff)- too much football on

- meal plan for next week (trying to make this a routine for school)

- dinner- meat thawed- tomorrow night. Dh and dd1 are at a friends house so dd2 and I are eating clam chowder (the canned kind)

- baths- dd2 is done (i'm sure she may need another one before bedtime though as that is the routine)

- bedtime routine

- anything else I get done- went through dd2's drawers and pulled out outgrown things and organized the rest, made space and put up new crockpot in closet (it doesn't fit in the kitchen cabinet with the old one, and yes I'm keeping both because the new one is bigger than the old one and the old one is the perfect size for the four of us), nap with dd2

Edited by MomtoCandJ
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It's almost 2pm on Friday, Jan 1, but it's not to late to make a to do list!


to do:

finish book club book

think about it all day and for the next week

go take family photos of our friends at 2:30

go on a little walk


tidy up

moisturize my face - why am I feeling so dry today?

have a sweet last day of winter break with my dd before she heads back to college

go out to dinner

order a nice big salad. stay away from dessert

play games

drink a lot of water

go to bed early


Edited by wendy in HI
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Because I just love seeing things crossed off my to-do list, I'm including things I've already done:

  • Finish the cinammon bread I started last night
  • Prepare and feed breakfast to the teens who spent the night here
  • Clean up after the teens who spent the night here
  • Sweep fireworks debris off the driveway and front walk
  • Do a load of laundry (including drying and folding it)
  • Edit today's round of submissions for the classes I begin teaching next week/Return parent and student e-mails
  • Help my husband prep to welcome him role playing group this afternoon/evening
  • Prep for my tutoring session with the little girl next door
  • Set up my book list document for this year with the two reading challenges I've chosen consolidated into one place
  • Take a nap to try and catch up on a bit of the sleep I missed last night

Looking at the number of things I've already crossed off, I'm thinking it's time to tackle that nap now.

Edited by Jenny in Florida
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It is 3:46 here, so the day is mostly over. A nice day overall.


I was originally intending to take down Christmas decs, but decided that was too much work and just


Roasted a chx.

Boiled some eggs.

took the dog to the park

Took Dd to my mom's with a small HNY gift

Figured out what to have with the leftover meatloaf - parsnips, butternut squash and green beans

updated YNAB

Ds' laundry, not folded yet

reserved library books for history



Drinking tea, sitting in the lazy boy, reading now.


Not planning on doing any more real work tonight.

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