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Who's going to tackle Wednesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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  • Unpack the boxes of books that remain from our over-the-summer move
  • Unpack or move into appropriate storage place a few boxes of small decorative items that are currently sitting on the floor of the "library" (the small extra bedroom in which we put most of the bookshelves and which has been used as the last-resort place-to-put-things-that-have-no-other-home since we moved here).
  • Generally straighten the library to make some space.
  • Move the old recliner (which has been replaced by the new one my husband got for Christmas) out of the living room and into the library.
  • Straighten and sweep the living room.
  • Clean the kitchen and run the dishwasher.
  • Do the last load of laundry I didn't get to yesterday.
  • Pick up my son from his girlfriend's house and point him at the lawnmower.
  • Begin planning and prepping (and shopping?) for the New Year's Eve get-together he is hosting here tomorrow evening.
  • Review curriculum, policies and procedures for the online classes I am scheduled to begin teaching next week.
  • Determine whether husband and son will be home for dinner and, if so, decide what to feed them.

Ugh, it looks like a lot of work when I actually type it out like that.


Edit: However, I've managed to make pretty decent progress. 


Edit again: Okay, I'm calling that done. I only said I would "begin" planning for tomorrow's get-together. So, I think cleaning the living room, checking with my son about the guest list and buying some soda and sparkling grape juice justify checking off that one.

Edited by Jenny in Florida
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Good morning

- clean off car- done

- go to store for a few things- done

- tidy house- round 1 done

- start master deep clean (more like organize my area)

- dinner- meat pulled to thaw

- baths

- bedtime routine

- anything else I get done- got my car stuck in the driveway, it's wet packy snow so it just gets slippery when you try to drive over it. Waiting for dfil to plow the driveway, bought my shoes for school

Edited by MomtoCandJ
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Good morning! We are done with inspection things (yay!) and now I can concentrate on moving everything out and look for a new house seriously. We have a busy day here.


To do:

Drive for practices

Clean kitchen/general pick up

Dd1 post op appointment

Work on cleaning out garage/pack during practice

Relax tonight (dd1 and ds2 are going to a showing of the the new Sherlock- teens only or I would totally be there)


Have a great day!

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Hi.  Today we drove from Madrid to Porto.  Our hotel is in an old tunnel that they say is one of the oldest streets in Porto - but despite using two different GPS tools, we couldn't find the place without asking some travel agents who were luckily still working.  :P  It is a really nice place.  Too bad we are only staying here for one night.


It was raining, but the rain stopped just as we found our hotel.  We were able to walk a little in the evening.


Tonight I am supposed to be working all night, but I am very tired.  I think I need to take a nap.  If I could sleep for 1 hour and then get up without bothering anyone.  But I am sharing a bedroom.  I will try anyway.

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