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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Today we have a new 17 year old in the house!  And my 23 year old is home for Christmas now!


Run to store to get Canadian bacon (forgot it!)

Make Eggs Benedict for birthday son

Give him his presents.

Get my haircut since I didn't yesterday

Wrap some presents

Decorate house and maybe get tree (or maybe tomorrow)

Either cook ds a nice dinner or take him out (he can't decide what he wants!)

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--Costco (dh?)

--cake decorating store for some premade dairy-free icing

--return library books



--daily and Tuesday things


--mail cards

--decide on Christmas dinner and brunch

--oodles of different types of emails (half done!)

--make moose munch w dd

--bake snowflake cookies that the girls will decorate

Edited by Luckymama
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Good morning

- tidy house- round 1 done

- dishes- in dishwasher

- fold laundry- done

- Try to find sitter for girls while I'm at school- put my plea on local sitter page and my personal page. It's so hard to find sitters in a rural area and all the day cares are either way out of my way or in the opposite direction than I need to go.- hurray found one that will come to our home

- work on school stuff- I need more divider tabs

- get dd1 off bus- done

- dinner- done

- baths- not needed

- bedtime routine- 1 down 1 to go

- anything else I get done- supervised dd1 cleaning her room, my room is mostly clean as well (my school area is still a mess)

Edited by MomtoCandJ
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Errands done

Cookies iced


Gingerbread people baking


Lasagna is next.


I am tired of cooking, so I am declaring tomorrow and Thursday am find-your-own-food days. We can all eat leftovers. I am going to read and relax and wrap some gifts! Nice to have kids old enough to cook eggs, make sandwiches etc.

Edited by ScoutTN
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Jean, I see your son at work all the time.  I say hi, but I have no clue if he remembers meeting us.  I had the kids with me today and he responded when I said hello with a nod :-)  


So we finished school today (YAY!) and I got my grocery shopping for the week done.  Doing laundry and dishes.  Made sugar cookie dough for tonight/tomorrow?  Will decorate soon as we bake it.  Just hanging out the rest of the day.  Oh, the hamster cage will get cleaned today.  



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I feel tired and stressed out.  Could be because all I've eaten today was chocolate.  :P


My computer has been very slow today.  I got some work done, but not enough.  The kids will be home in about an hour.  Let's see what I can do before then ....

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Jean, I see your son at work all the time.  I say hi, but I have no clue if he remembers meeting us.  I had the kids with me today and he responded when I said hello with a nod :-)  


So we finished school today (YAY!) and I got my grocery shopping for the week done.  Doing laundry and dishes.  Made sugar cookie dough for tonight/tomorrow?  Will decorate soon as we bake it.  Just hanging out the rest of the day.  Oh, the hamster cage will get cleaned today.  


I didn't think you shopped there anymore!  I asked him and said that today he was just trying to work as quickly as possible! 

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