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Exercise Thread- Christmas Week Edition


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We could do a private FB group.  That seems easier.    Anyways, for the people who run, still, there are nice pics to be had, especially if you run in nature..

ETA, I honestly don't know how these things work.

I'm on FB and do find it easy. Do you want to set it up and then we could send a message for an invite maybe(or perhaps someone else has a better idea). We walk out in nature but we usually take the same route, it can be quite beautiful but a bit monotonous in the winter perhaps. We had the best walk today, my 3yo had her first go on her new big girl trike but that isn't quite fitness related huh(although chasing her coasting down the first hill was a bit adventurous!).

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Hugs. Today is my second day of Whole 30. I'm exhausted!


Congratulations!  I'm just hoping that by Monday I'm over the worst of the detox so I'll be a nice homeschool mommy.


Yesterday- dh and I did a 3.2 walk.  Then I stretched and did a few half hearted katas.  

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I indulged a bit on Christmas too and am cutting back, not going cold turkey though, as I end up snapping off heads.  Today will be a walk, a bit of yoga and some shoulder work. Then I think I'll let my shoulders rest until my Silks class Tuesday- I want to go in without any soreness(although I have yoga Mon night so I might not be able to pull that off!). Or maybe I'll be ok to let them rest Mon(except yoga) and Tuesday. We'll see how they feel tomorrow. I really want to get a Silk up here somewhere, a Silk and a crashpad. I talked to dh about maybe mounting it in his Dad's shop(he lives up the road)- I think he has decently high ceilings, must brainstorm on that, I need to be able to practice at home. My basement is the best option but the ceiling isn't but 7.5 ft and it would seem odd to mount it in the middle of the living room.

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Yoga and Costco. Enough for me today. I may walk while ds has indoor soccer tonight.

Seriously...I get 6000-8000 steps every time I got to Costco!


Exercise bike for 40 minutes. A short ab session with my toddler climbing all over me. He's a good weight!


I'm working at making it a habit to turn on music when I cook, wash dishes, or fold laundry. If I have upbeat music, I naturally tend to dance, which is awesome for my overall energy level.

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