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Funny age grouping


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I get obsessive about patterns and groupings, lol.


We're probably going to call the youngest a 1st grader next year, but he could be a K'er by birthdate.  If I let myself fudge my thinking, next year I'll have one in college, one in high school, one in middle, one in elementary, and one in K!



Aw, that's exciting!  We had one year when all five of my children were teenagers at once.  (For about half a year.)  For some reason, that made a big impression on me.



That's awesome! 

When I turned 25, my dad turned 50 and my grandfather turned 75. 

I loved it. 

These are all fun.  It is amazing how time can align with traditions and create some neat patterns.

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Right now my oldest is the age I was when I became pregnant with her, and my youngest two are the age I was when I began dating my husband.  Kind of weird for me (and I spend a lot of time wondering what in the world my mother was thinking in letting me run around like I did at 15! lol.)


Edited by The Girls' Mom
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