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I need to talk...I'm scared. LC (LOST content)

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We only have two episodes of LOST and then we're caught up. What will I do? 3 months until season 5? I'm just not sure how I'm going to be able to function. Are there support groups? Meds?





Me too! I am not proud to admit I jsut got done watching all 4 seasons in like 3 weeks. :001_huh:


I am in major withdrawl and I finished watching the last episode 2 days ago. I have so many questions but don't want to spoil it for others!!

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We only have two episodes of LOST and then we're caught up. What will I do? 3 months until season 5? I'm just not sure how I'm going to be able to function. Are there support groups? Meds?




There are support groups!!





I can't even begin to tell you how many hours I wasted at the first Lost forum after an episode aired :tongue_smilie:

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I'm afraid I do not know the cure. I'm caught up on Burn Notice, Heroes starts next week, I really like Chuck, I'm getting addicted to House, but (stamps feet) I want LOST back.


Here's a little something to keep you occupied until then.



I love House! Dh and I are totally addicted. I also love watching Heroes too. I like Chuck, but am wondering where the plot can go form here.

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We call to order the first official meeting of LOST anonymous. Well maybe not so anon. Anyway, who would like to call the meeting to order? Shall we share our names and how we became Lost junkies. :D


My name is Megan and I am a lost junkie! I want to talk about it but we can't yet cause Rich with Kids still has not watched the last 2 episodes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :glare:

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We call to order the first official meeting of LOST anonymous. Well maybe not so anon. Anyway, who would like to call the meeting to order? Shall we share our names and how we became Lost junkies. :D


Hi, my name is Paula and am a Lostie. I first started watching during season 1. It's Charlie's fault, I loved the character development, the color orange, the fact my dh didn't quite get the whole thing. I started writing Lost fan fic with my friends in the stories. I saw the numbers in my sleep, I would check the lottery numbers to see if they ever won.


I dreamed about being on the island. I went to do my morning prayers one day and realized I was missing someone on the list that needed help. I only slightly laughed when I realized that it was the people stuck on an island on a TV show. (looking around paranoid-like)


Fast forward. DS keeps asking me how long it will be before Lost is back on. Even though he doesn't watch every week, he is also going through withdrawl.

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There are support groups!!





I can't even begin to tell you how many hours I wasted at the first Lost forum after an episode aired :tongue_smilie:


Oh I know, its almost as addictive as the show! I found so many tidbits, and so many clues, so many connections that I otherwise may have missed. Heard other theories that hadn't occurred to me. Had a lot of OMG moments, and brilliant revelations...usually at 3 in the morning when no one is around to share it with.


This is the best forum I found



As for withdrawal, I've been dealing with it by watching other series such as "Six Feet Under" and "Firefly".....its a distraction. Here soon I'm busting out season 1 and starting the whole wicked ride all over again. :D

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Um...hello. My name is Katy and I'm a LOSTie. I first knew I was in trouble when I saw the episode about when the tailies crashed. The relaxing view of the waves and then...burning debris comes flying at you! Then Hurley and Libby. Broke my heart! And Charlie! Gah! Charlie! And Walt! Don't get me started about that! Sorry. I'm OK. Really. Help me.

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My name is Erin, and I was almost a Lost flunkie.


It used to drive me crazy the way they spent 50 percent of each episode showing flashbacks from previous episodes. (I know it wasn't really that bad, but it felt that way to me.)


But, then there was Desmondashamed001.gif and suddenly I was a lot more interested in the show... go figure. Anyway, I'm officially a junkie again. :D

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My name is Erin, and I was almost a Lost flunkie.


It used to drive me crazy the way they spent 50 percent of each episode showing flashbacks from previous episodes. (I know it wasn't really that bad, but it felt that way to me.)


But, then there was Desmondashamed001.gif and suddenly I was a lot more interested in the show... go figure. Anyway, I'm officially a junkie again. :D


Yes, brotha, Penny is a lucky lady!

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Hi, my name is Paula and am a Lostie. I first started watching during season 1. It's Charlie's fault,


Ooh, Paula, sometimes you scare me. I watched from episode 1, and it's Charlie's fault here, too.



I loved the character development, the color orange, the fact my dh didn't quite get the whole thing. I started writing Lost fan fic with my friends in the stories. I saw the numbers in my sleep, I would check the lottery numbers to see if they ever won.


I dreamed about being on the island. I went to do my morning prayers one day and realized I was missing someone on the list that needed help. I only slightly laughed when I realized that it was the people stuck on an island on a TV show. (looking around paranoid-like)



Okay, I am a LOST fanatic, but not as much as you :lol: But I have watched from day 1, have never missed an episode, and have spent many sleepless nights scrutinizing clues on the internet.

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Actually, Sleepy, they are not flashbacks from previous episodes. The flashback technique (and flash forward) are plot devices to help share the character's backstories.


I'm definitely a LOSTIE. It helps me connect with my ds19, who is also a big fan! Love the intentionality, and can't wait to see how it all plays out.

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Hi, my name is Jenny and I watched all four seasons in two weeks. Withdrawal has been very hard. :tongue_smilie:



Yes it sure has!!!!


I am so sad about Charlie! Watching all the epsiodes so quickly I couldn't believe how grown up Walt was the last season!!!




I am sooooooooooo sad about Jin! :crying::crying::crying::crying::crying:

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