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Incorrect diagnosis in medical records


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When I got some test results back today, I noticed that at the top there was a short description of my medical issues.  One of those issues isn't correct.  I related symptoms to a doctor who determined "it might be ___" and apparently indicated so in my chart.  When I've described the symptoms to other medical practitioners who have asked about it, they all have said it was not the right diagnosis for me.  Does it matter that it's still in my chart?  

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I suppose it depends on what it is!  My mother's doctor once told her that after looking at some test result, it appeared she had had a heartache sometime!  He put that on her record.  My mother was certain she had never had a heart attack.  She finally went to see a heart specialist and had a special test done (I forget what it's called), and he was able to determine she had never had one.  They took it off her medical chart.


So, I think that was an important diagnosis to remove.  If there were ever some other problem, it might have interfered with how they treated her.

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When my kids were 7 or 8, we thought they were coming down with the chicken pox.  We took them to the doctor saying I suspected chicken pox.  They each were diagnosed with something different by the doctor.  Fast forward about 7 years, and since they never got the chicken pox "naturally" I took them in to get the vaccination.  Because their records said they may have had the chicken pox, they had to get blood test to confirm they didn't before they would vaccinate them.  So, all that to say, incorrect info in your medical records can matter. 

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I know someone who was recently denied long-term care insurance due to medical records.  It was a case of "it could be or could be the early stages of lupus."  Letters from the doctor didn't help in her case (and other options were to expensive.)  If it is something that might get you denied for insurance, I'd go ahead and ask for a change.

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