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Who's going to tackle Friday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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I am - ish.  


Couldn't sleep so I've dozed since about 2:15.  Ick.


I can't do a single thing this morning so I'm assigning things.  I'm going to call the carpet cleaner guy and see if he will drive out in the country and when he can come.

(Then have children move all my furniture.  They'll love it.)

Going to have DD and DS move furniture in DS' room to a better arrangement.

Sew his dust ruffle because it is always catty-wampus and I can't stand it anymore.








Should be a wild day... I don't sit still very well.  

Maybe we'll watch some documentaries.  I've got about 1/2 way through Trim Healthy Mama in the past two days.

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So my day:


--dd to an Arabic exam; me to gym

--dd very late rehearsal slot today, 8-9pm


--daily and Friday things

--plan info sessions for next week

--purchase clay etc for those

--edit gift lists

--emails o' the day

--ACT prep w dd after schoolwork is done

Edited by Luckymama
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  • Get the kids out to school on time to catch the bus.  [done - we're 1 for 5 this week, yippee!]

Clean the kitchen.  (I've decided the kids need to start cleaning their own bathroom.  Ha, don't go in there!)

Work.  Lots of work needs to go out today.

Yoga if I get time.

Read a little.

Kids' work.

Would like to try to get to TKD if possible.  I don't know.  It's been a rough week.

Have to go out to dinner, it's Friday.

Old videos.

Kids to bed.


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good morning

- take A&P lab final- done, why is that the oldest child who ought to know better (and was told) is the biggest distraction??? I couldn't finish the last 4 questions because she had a freak out over a piece of mail that dh told her was trash (it was one of those car dealership ads with the key) grrrr oh well I think I did well on the rest of it and I should (hopefully) after the lecture final have an A (I can miss 30 points out of 200 and come out with an A)

- study for exams- still going over A&P because it will be the most difficult

- laundry- in dryer

- tidy house- round 1 done

- dishes- in dishwasher

- get dd1 off bus- dh is picking her up because they had "Santa Sale" at her school, we let her use her birthday money and I'm sure we will end up with $10 worth of junk- well at least the stuff she bought this year all works

- dinner- done

- baths- done

- bedtime routine

- anything else I get done- met with one of dd1's friends' mom (she dropped off dd1's birthday gift from her son), helped dh put new tv on tv stand (we had to modify our old tv stand)

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Boo hoo.  I thought I was going to tackle Friday but Friday tackled me instead.


Woke up with migraine.  It is gone now but I am feeling discombobulated, tired and wiped out.


If I can I need to:

register 16 yo at CC

Have kids work on science

figure out something for dinner

Take 16 yo to job this evening

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Everybody's day going according to plan?  DH does not want me doing carpets so I called the nice carpet man who assured me he could do it and he'd be there within the hour.... two hours ago.  Sigh.  I timed naptime so I wouldn't have a half dozen shorties running around and I'd have to corral them.  Plus the big kids were home for the last two hours.  Now they had to go to work.  Sigh.  I KNOW he was doing me a favor by sliding me in so I'm trying not to be a dumpy grouch about it.


Sitting is difficult.  I'd rather just do the stuff myself.  I suspect I'm every bit as impatient as my mother always told me I was.

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Well, we are back from dd2's swimming the mile. Good time (never as fast as she wants to go), and she was mostly pleased, but still not satisfied. That is the story of her life. Now for a quiet time as we all try to recover from the brain melt induced by swim meets.


Still to do:

PM practice for ds3

Aikido for ds2


Pick up pizza for dinner


Have a great rest of your day!

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:grouphug: for those who are tired, achy and grumpy.


What have I done? 

Human  care done

Pet care done

Medical care . . . oh my goodness . . . as I typed this to mark it done, I realized that I didn't take this morning's meds.  :svengo: I took them now, which at 1 pm is not optimal but oh well. 

Dd did vocab.

Together we did math and Spanish

We did a grocery shop for project ingredients and lunch

Dd tried out a new lunch recipe which didn't really work but she has new ideas for how to tweak it.


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My list is mostly done.


Dd is writing a story. Ds is playing with musical instruments and annoying the dog.


Dinner got changed to take and bake pizza. Flank steak for fajitas is marinating in the fridge, but I just now got it done and it needs more time to be good. Plus I realized that we are out of sour cream and guac. Not going back out on Friday afternoon!


Played some basketball with Ds in the back yard.

Got two gifts for Dh today.

Got some laundry done.


Movie selection is Elf. Ds loves that movie and I love to watch him laugh. :)

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Friday project day!


We did our dailies (math, vocab and Spanish).  Then dd made some "energy bites" which are very tasty indeed and nothing like the kinetic wet sand bars.  Then I drove us to the next city to Michael's while ds and I listened to a TC audio lecture and discussed.  We stopped and discussed a lot so we only got to about the 1/5 mark but I don't care because the discussion was engaging and on point.  We'll pick it up from where we left off on Monday.  At Michael's dd got materials for a future project making our gifts for extended family (ornaments with hot chocolate mix inside).  Then ds drove us home while I practiced deep breathing and maintaining a Zen-like calm in the face of danger.  At home, dd finished up her last project for the day - making us spaghetti carbonara for dinner.

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