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grammar for third grade?

dirty ethel rackham

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We are finishing up FLL 1 & 2 with dd8. I am wondering where to go from here. We did Abeka with my older boys and we are looking for a change. They hate it. Here is what I am looking at:


Voyages in English: I have heard good things about it, but it is SOOO expensive. I looked at the older version (the Catholic content appeals to us,) but, based upon recommendations from this board, that version may be too dull.


FLL 3: We enjoyed FLL 1 & 2. My concern is that the series will not be done by the time we are ready for it. Will it be a lot of busy work?


Rod and Staff: This never appealed to me before because it required much copying rather than a consumable worktext. My boys just wouldn't go for that.



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My 3rd grader is using Growing with Grammar. When my 5th grader was in 3rd grade, we started the year with Rod and Staff. It is terrific, however, my dd couldn't stand having to do all the work on her on paper. We switched to GWG and it became one of her favorite subjects. So, now I have one in the 5th grade book and one in the 3rd grade book. Rod and Staff has a writing component and with GWG you'll need something else for writing. GWG is great for teaching grammar, though. HTH

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After FLL 1 & 2, we went with R&S and have found it to be easy to implement and VERY effective. I choose to blend a lot of oral work with a small amount of written with each assignment--I do not assign it all as written. My dd would just melt if I did that. The workbook is consumable and very inexpensive and that provides a quick and easy supplement as well.


We've used R&S for a few years now (she's in 5th grade now) and I am quite pleased with what she has learned.


I know SWB recommends a supplemental writing program with R&S because the writing component is not very strong or thorough. I have used a few different programs alongside R&S successfully.

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I am looking at giving Writing with Ease a try. Writing has always been difficult in our home. Writing was never my strong point and I haven't a clue how to grade it. I can give pointers to make something better, but I still don't feel confident. Writing Strands was a disaster for us. We did IEW SWI with both of my boys which got us from tears and gnashing of teeth to at least getting words on paper. They have a long way to go.

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We are finishing up FLL 1 & 2 with dd8. I am wondering where to go from here. We did Abeka with my older boys and we are looking for a change. They hate it. Here is what I am looking at:


FLL 3: We enjoyed FLL 1 & 2. My concern is that the series will not be done by the time we are ready for it. Will it be a lot of busy work?




I've done FLL3 as a review for my 4th grader last year. She really enjoyed it. No, it is not a lot of busy work, imo. There are one or two pages to do after explaining the concept learned. There are poems to memorize and copywork/dictation as well. There is also a section for letter writing/dictionary skills. It is a very flexible program and there are even 3 different schedules written out in the front of the book that you can choose from to fit your needs. It only took my 4th grader 15 minutes or so to complete the work. We did FLL3 3 days a week. I felt this program was thorough enough and challenging enough. There is basic diagramming taught as well. I think if you combined this with WWE, that would be a very complete LA program.


I have also done Shurley English with my kids (they both did 2 years of this) and I really enjoyed it, but it was very teacher involved, and sometimes took 45 minutes a day, 4 days a week. Once you get into the groove, it doesn't take that long on some days. We did do the writing component, which is why it may have taken longer for us (many people drop the writing component). I mention this b/c I think the grammar songs/jingles are invaluable. In fact, I may not use this when it comes time to teach grammar to my now 3 yo, but I will probably use the jingles! FLL is a little dry, imo, when it comes to memorizing facts. Shurley Grammar made memorizing grammar rules fun and easy. My two oldest can still sing the songs. And, my dd still recites the jingles to help her with grammar, although we aren't using the program anymore! If you could get just the jingles cd and combine it with FLL, that might be an option!


I don't know about the other two programs you've mentioned, but I hope you find what fits for your family!:)

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