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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Gray and rainy today :(


--dd to Arabic; me to gym

--dd ballet 6-9

--dh and I to charity fundraiser 7-9


--daily and Tuesday things

--grocery shopping

--write comp gov test


--some decorating

--upload picture for ACT

--make faux Kind bars for dd

Edited by Luckymama
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Make bone broth from turkey carcass

get kids up to finish things for their history projects (they stayed up late working)

get them to history class

teach RE this afternoon (but first I have to plan something, yikes!  My creative teaching juices have run dry!)

Still don't know if 16 yo works this evening.  He might have to walk there in the rain.

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Good morning!


Ds has some sinus issues going on but no fever thus far. Book club is at my house today, so I'm hoping no fever develops. 



breakfast and lunch for dh

fed cats




To Do:


tidy main living area


clean guest bathroom

book club


remove mattress and bed frame and vacuum underneath (getting new mattress and frame tomorrow, ours is 18 years old, looking for a new headboard)

tidy bedroom



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a quiet rainy day here.  Makes me want to snooze...


to do:

this morning:

tidy up

flannel sheets on my bed

write big email for work

do some more work

send violin emails

dry cleaning out



this afternoon:

violin lesson

dinner - hamburgers

dd to volleyball

church night tonight

Edited by wendy in HI
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Good morning! We are looking forward to a sunnier and slightly warmer day. Dd1 leaves for Nationals tomorrow, so she is busy with schoolwork, laundry and packing.


To do:

School for all

Dd2 first consultation with orthodontist

Quick check at old house

General cleanup

Figure out dinner

PM practice



Have a great day!

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Cold and rainy here again today. Thankful that I don't have to be out driving around in it.


Christmas school.

fold laundry

play games with kids

take pup and kids for a walk when it is not pouring


online shopping?

make soup for tomorrow?


dinner: stir fry and egg rolls

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It's rainy out and I'm sure it will freeze :(

- tidy house- round 1 done

- dishes- going

- laundry- in washer and dryer

- study for exams-

- get dd1 off bus- done

- go to store (maybe)- nope dh is going

- help dd1 with school work- done

- dinner- cooking

- baths

- bedtime routine

- anything else I get done- called on tv (should be here Thursday), got trash can from road

Edited by MomtoCandJ
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Hi guys.  My kids and I flew home on the red-eye this morning.  I was planning to sleep 45 minutes and then get the girls off to school, but I just could not get up.  I ended up driving them and they arrived 15 minutes late.  Oh well, better late than never.

I have gone through all my mail and unpacked the smaller bags.  The suitcase is just full of dirty clothes, so that can wait until I do laundry.  (It would be nice if I did the laundry today, but I don't know.)


I went through my mail.  My kids' passports came.  My car insurance bill - and it didn't go up, whew.  Some school clothes and Christmas gifts.  I also got a lot of boxes from my Amazon order already, so I need to figure out where to put stuff.  It seems the beanbag chairs have come in two big boxes.  Not sure how to hide them.  ;)


Cleaned the kitchen and some clutter.  Still need to clean the kids' bathroom.


I am still working on my 11/30 deadline.  I worked on it through the flight overnight, but didn't get it done.  Today I get a pile of 11/30 bank statements, so I will use that as an excuse to delay delivery (wanted to check for any additional November transactions).  I have several other time sensitive things due today also.


So it's "giving Tuesday," and though I don't go for gimmicks, I do give to several charities every December.  I think doing it early this year would be a good idea, since I will be traveling at year-end and things will get crazy before that.  So I would like to do that today if I can get to it.


That's about as far as my brain can think right now.  I need some more coffee.  :)

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