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I can HEAR the UPS truck driving around the neighborhood--UPDATED


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UPDATE: Amazon botched the order all over the place. Not only did they never ship/lose the journal, they had also packaged another order (an expensive gift for one of my kids) with it, so they never shipped/lost that too. First the CS rep tried to tell me they couldn't reorder it for me because Amazon had sold out of the specific item, but in the end, he ended up giving me an extra $100 refund so that I could order the big gift from another seller (shipped by Amazon). I was actually able to order it for a bit less, which is good because now the journal is only available at a higher price (I'd initially found killer deals on both things). 


So in the end, Amazon made good, but now neither item will be here until Monday, and the whole experience has left me with a stress headache!


Still waiting on my journal *sigh* At least UPS is back in my good graces!




I'm waiting for my new Leuchtturm 1917 journal to arrive so I can start my bullet journal. I know, I know--that's so 2014! But it's been percolating in my brain since the big discussion started last year, and I'm finally ready to start. I found a CRAZY good deal on Amazon, and it's supposed to arrive today. Except that it didn't ship until 3:00 this morning, and it's coming from two (small) states away. I'm...skeptical  :glare:


The truck has been past the house twice already, and it actually stopped two houses up and dropped something off. And now I can hear it rumbling periodically through adjacent streets. 


Who knew UPS drivers could be so sadistic?!



Edited by ILiveInFlipFlops
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I'm starting a new bullet journal tomorrow too (I'm on my fourth one). I decided to try a Sigel CONCEPTUM this time.


I looked at those last night (was up until 5 a.m. reading the bullet journal thread, thank you Starbucks  :willy_nilly: ), but I really wanted ruled pages instead of grid pages. I found a Leuchtturm in the color I love on Amazon for $13, with Prime shipping, and now I'm itching to get started!

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I was expecting a package today that I had to make sure dh didn't see because it his gift and just ship in its normal box. Around noon the postman knocks on the door. I rush to get the package, not the one I'm waiting for! 10 minutes late UPS knocks on the door. Once again inrush to the door. 2 more packages await and neither is the one inwas waiting for. "Oh well maybe tomorrow," I think. 20 minutes later a different UPS delivery guy knocks on the door and I beat dh to the door by about 2 feet. Why were 3 of my packages on 2 different trucks?

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I've used both ruled and gridded for bullet journals and prefer the grid. Have fun!


At the moment, writing over a grid instead of across lines makes me twitch, but I'm open to changing my mind :lol: Given what I'm hoping to use it for, I suspect I'll need a new one before the summer comes, so I'm sure I'll be tweaking the format then. Assuming I'm successful, that is. Fingers crossed!

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So where is the link to the thread that is worth reading at 5 am? I think I missed it - lol



I have a feeling that these questions are going to cost me money. What is a "bullet" journal and where is this thread of which you speak?


I apologize in advance for this.


http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/510202-paper-planner-gals-have-you-seen-bullet-journals/page-1 (the main discussion)






There are also loads of YouTube videos where people discuss their setup. Those are helpful for making the whole thing real. And in my reading last night, I solved the last two problems I expected to have with the format. I'm sooo ready!

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I don't like the grid, either, so I just have dots. No lines to write over. I can write bigger or smaller without feeling like I'm breaking the rules. I love my bullet journal!



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I really was inspired by a bullet journal "show and tell" here. http://bulletjournal.com/show-tell-3/

Have fun with your new journal when it comes.


Her video was the best (and longest) one I watched on Youtube! And she has some great posts on her website that show the way other people do different features. I pinned most of them :lol: You're right, she is very inspiring. A little intimidatingly so, actually! Her art, handwriting, design elements etc. are just gorgeous.

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