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Who's going to tackle Monday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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I have to have a laundry intervention.  We had company this weekend and I haven't done laundry since Wednesday (I usually wash about 2 loads a day...)  I have so much to wash today, I'm a little scared!!  


To do this morning:

laundry (2 down, 3 to go)

garbage out

tidy up

go for a walk/run

update YNAB 

emails to violin students

Work on my volunteer stuff

go to Ikea and look for picture frames


this afternoon:

look up info about graphic design

violin lessons

dinner - taco soup with turkey



Edited by wendy in HI
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Good morning!



breakfast and lunch for dh

fed cats



To Do:



finalize plans for book club tomorrow at my house



put dinner in crock pot

deposit at the bank

sign ds up for basketball at local church

possibly go to tea at my friend's house if I have time

go to a mission trip fundraising craft night at a friend's church


Edited by mom31257
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Finish my NaNoWriMo novel - done!!!!!  50,034 words!


Heavy paper writing day for the kids

Grocery shopping (out of pet food and paper towels!)

Get 22 year old son to airport to return to Boston

Trash out to curb (can't forget this!  They didn't pick up on Thanksgiving!)

Make sure 16 yo had new job schedule.

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Late today!



-usual daily and Monday things

-emailed high school team

-planned meals

-wrote grocery/errand list for week

-drove dd to/from campus (yucky weather)

-worked out w trainer at gym


To do:

-get Christmas things from attic

-plan informational meetings for new elementary Science Olympiad team :)

-grade bio test

-write comp gov test

-take dd to ballet for 7:30-9 class

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Hi - I'm still in Vegas as our flight out is at 10pm.  I paid for another day so I could sit in the room and work.  I'm so fun!


I have a lot of work to do, and my computer is being so annoying.  I don't know what to do first.  The folks back at the office are acting like everything is needed instantly if not sooner.  And there is one complicated project that I found in my junk mailbox from last Wednesday.  And then there's the "big deadline" for November 30.  (I also have a feeling something else is due November 30, but I can't remember what ....)


I gave the kids some work to do, but they already finished it.  I'm pretty sure they are bored, but they don't want to say so since I'll give them more work.  :P


I'll keep working on the Big Deadline while flying and hopefully send at least a partial product out in the morning.  And then I will probably collapse.

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