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Baby shoes that stay on!


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I'm getting desperate here. My wee one is 14 months, she has started walking but is more of a crawler. I need shoes of some kind that a) I can get on her feet and b) will stay on. She has chubby feet and ankles and I have really struggled with getting any shoes actually on her feet. At this point I'd be willing to knit something if anyone has a link to a pattern that will work.


I'm mainly looking for something to keep her feet warm while we're outside, not necessarily for walking around in. Socks just won't be enough in this winter weather.


Links to specific shoes would be much appreciated!

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Another vote for Robeez! Loved them. :)


And for warm, fuzzy shoes that stay on, I loved Soft Star Shoes... don't know if they're still in business - my kids are going to college next year!


ETA: Found them! www.softstarshoes.com . The warm ones are the moccasins - they have sheepskin innersoles.

Edited by Matryoshka
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Ditto Robeez or similar styles. The entire point of these shoes in our household is to keep socks on.


When it was very cold, the little ones would stay in footed pajamas for a lot of the day. (Even up until 14 months...I'm doing my part to reinforce homeschooling stereotypes of pajamas all day.)

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