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Need some advice. . .TMI. . .female content

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OK, my monthly friend came yesterday started out normal, but by this morning. . .I am freaking out! I'm only 39! The flow is VERY HEAVY, super extra is filled in 1/2 hour. I was not pregnant, so we can rule that out. I have had cramps worse than usual yesterday and have had hot flashes for the past few weeks. I've made an appt with MW but it's not till Oct. I just need reassurances that heavy flow like this is a normal symptom of the CHANGE.


Thanks for your advice! I really appreciate it!


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Have you had any changes in your diet recently? I'm no expert, but 39 seems awfully young for "the change" doesn't it? I once went on a diet that had me substituting dairy products with soy products, and it gave me the exact scenario you're talking about, plus hot flashes and heart palpitations! Soy has so much estrogen in it, it's really bad news for some people. I don't suppose you've been eating more soy products recently? Sorry if that's not much help, it's all I can think of at the moment.

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That's exactly what happened to my mom - I'm getting closer too - just turned 40. I've had lots of questions for her regarding the symptoms of 'the change'. She experienced a VERY heavy flow & larger clots. She went in to the dr. & he told her it was the start. It lasted for years and she was fully 'done' by around 50.


I am dreading the whole thing - exept for being done w/ my . :tongue_smilie:

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Do you have anything else that isn't quite right? A heavy flow, along with other symptoms, could be a sign of hypothyroidism. If you have a heavy flow, lack of energy, unexplained weight gain, hair loss, constipation, signs of depression, and joint or muscle pain you might be experiencing a thyroid disorder.

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It could be any number of things. I wouldn't think it would be the change, but it is possible. My periods have gotten heavier as I've gotten older (I'm 41). This summer was horrible. I started my cycle on July 4, and went for a month with many days being like you describe. Many days I couldn't leave the house. I missed out on A LOT. I went to my ob and he did some tests, but could find nothing wrong. Unfortunately, I've done a lot of research and am finding that symptoms like yours are not unusual.


Last week, I had an endometrial ablation and am hoping that will do the trick until menopause. It's too early to tell just yet.

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I agree you should make an appt to rule out things such as thyroid, fibroids, etc. But, it could very well be your age. Mine started getting weird about 42. Do you have any other changes - hot flashes, headache changes,etc. I was having hot flashes for about year before I knew what they were. I was in my late 30s and thought it couldnt be!

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Mine were like that in my 30s, but without the hot flashes. After my son was born (when I was 39) I spent almost a whole year bleeding profusely. It turned out I had a fibroid and it had grown quite a bit while I was pregnant.


I had a myomectomy (fibroid removal surgery) when I was almost 40. Since then my cycles have been back to like they were when I was in my teens and twenties...at least bleeding-wise. I've had a lot more PMS and irregularity of cycles in the last couple of years, but the bleeding has not increased. Yet. I fear someday getting back to that state since most women do go through increased bleeding during perimenopause.


I'm glad you have an appointment with your MW; I would certainly bring this up then. If you continue to bleed profusely for several days and/or get feeling dizzy or lightheaded you might want to see if you can get in sooner. If you can remember to jot down your symptoms each day on a calendar that might help track down what's going on, too. For instance, I have migraines on a cyclical basis and when I kept track of when they were happening my GYN was able to show me that it was at points in my cycle when my estrogen levels were dropping. Stuff like that is good to know because even if you can't fix your symptoms you can learn when to expect them.

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I have, on occassion, had a really heavy period, like that. It happens once every few years, don't know why. Good to ask your doc, I'd call if it continues that heavy, but when it has happened to me, it was really heavy for a half a day to a day, then heavy (I have always had pretty light periods) for the rest.


Hope things improve for you!


Oh, and, btw, the whole soy thing, HUGE EXAGGERATION! Made up by the meat industry--look it up :).

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I'm 41, and for the past couple of years, my periods have been different. Heavier, longer, etc. I was just at the GYN for my appt. a few weeks ago. She said this is a normal part of perimenopause (sort of a transition stage; don't worry it doesn't mean you're going into menopause early!). She recommended some natural supplements.


So do get it checked out if you're worried, but don't panic. Most likely it's just a normal stage you're entering. Fun, isn't it?



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