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Is there anything that you refuse to eat now because of how your mother fixed it?

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Even though I am half Indian, and eat a ton of Indian food, I have not eaten curry since I was 8--the spice, yes, the dish, no. That is because I had a teacher, when I was 8, who mistakenly convinced me that eggs in this country were all fertilized. I stopped eating eggs right then. My fam ate eggs, and my mom made egg curry all the time. Well, to smell curry and not eat it is quite something, so, although I now know the truth about eggs, and do eat them, I still cannot stand the thought of curry.


I guess that counts? Oh, and I can't stand anything burnt at all--apparently that is the only way my mom has ever made toast.

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Meatloaf...my mom put canned spinach and cheese in the center and just thinking about it (even now!) makes me want to gag.


Pork chops...I haven't eaten one since I was 9 and will only VERY rarely eat pork at all, even though I now know that some people can actually make pork taste good.


And milk...My mom did the same thing as another poster's..."You will sit at that table until the milk is GONE, I don't care how long it takes you to drink it!" I have always been rather stubborn and would sit there for HOURS with that cup of milk. I never, ever, EVER drink plain milk. I will, however, drink chocolate milk, preferably made with Ovaltine (in the States) or Calctose (in Mexico).

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Anything with green peppers. Lima beans. Brussel sprouts. MEATLOAF (meatloaf sandwiches especially). Any kind of casserole. My grandmother is an okay cook, but tends to overcook things. So I thought everything was supposed to be made that way until I started cooking myself.

A recent unfavorite :D is the way mil makes pork chops...in the oven with ketchup. Ugh!

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My babysitter (not my mother) used to make us eat grits every single morning.


I haven't touched nary a grit since. Grit overload.


I can't think of anything my mother has ruined for me, but I don't like several of the things mentioned in the other posts - tuna casserole is just wrong. Salmon cakes? Ew. (Salmon fillet? That's another story, yum!) Liver and onions, blechk. Canned asparagus, tough chops, buttermilk - no, no, no!

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My mom was a wonderful cook. I didn't care for her liver and onions but they really weren't bad. Her lamb chops were to die for. I think of her every time I serve lamb. She could make Yorkshire pudding like no one else--and I even have her pan now!


My mil, on the other hand--I don't think I EVER ate anything at her house without being violently ill later. Turns out, it was from her nasty habit of not rinsing the plates... A steady diet of Joy dishwashing soap is not good. And then there is her lovely bulimia after every meal--that she always commented on. Ugh! The kids added too much flour to the cookies the other day and someone commented, "Oh no, they look like G'ma cookies!" Once they figured out that they didn't have moldy anise in them, they were okay. G'ma decided to "help" one haying and she kept making fried potatoes. Well, 4 day old, mixed with 3 day old, mixed with 2 day old potatoes is not quite the thing. One of the hired men distracted her and gave them all to the dogs--who promptly got sick. At least it got the potatoes out of the fridge--and she didn't manage to "hide" them in the salad! Do you know how disgusting cold, ancient leftovers are, "hidden" under soggy iceberg lettuce, drenched in Miracle Whip!


Unfortunately, I can answer "yes" to this question...:ack2:

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I mean, I didn't like them to begin with, but then my mother was always trying to get away with putting them in things. Both of my parents liked them and used to get irritated that I didn't want them in spaghetti sauce or gravy or whatever. So, my mom would chop them up really, really small and hope I wouldn't notice they were there.


Eventually, I quit eating the foods into which she was trying to sneak the darned things. And to this day, I avoid mushrooms when at all possible.


In 20 years this will be my son writing this. He really dislikes them and I LOVE them and so does my hubby so we just ignore the fact the DS doesn't like them. I put them in whatever suits my fancy. I won't "admit" there is mushrooms in something unless he finds a great big piece on his plate.



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My mom made...once a week...huge, gummy pancakes. She would fix our plates by stacking the pancakes with large thick slabs of Velveeta cheese between them, and topped the whole thing with a puddle of thick, black molasses!!! I still wretch thinking about it. :ack2:



My mom was a wonderful cook. I didn't care for her liver and onions but they really weren't bad. Her lamb chops were to die for. I think of her every time I serve lamb. She could make Yorkshire pudding like no one else--and I even have her pan now!


My mil, on the other hand--I don't think I EVER ate anything at her house without being violently ill later. Turns out, it was from her nasty habit of not rinsing the plates... A steady diet of Joy dishwashing soap is not good. And then there is her lovely bulimia after every meal--that she always commented on. Ugh! The kids added too much flour to the cookies the other day and someone commented, "Oh no, they look like G'ma cookies!" Once they figured out that they didn't have moldy anise in them, they were okay. G'ma decided to "help" one haying and she kept making fried potatoes. Well, 4 day old, mixed with 3 day old, mixed with 2 day old potatoes is not quite the thing. One of the hired men distracted her and gave them all to the dogs--who promptly got sick. At least it got the potatoes out of the fridge--and she didn't manage to "hide" them in the salad! Do you know how disgusting cold, ancient leftovers are, "hidden" under soggy iceberg lettuce, drenched in Miracle Whip!




Uggggggg........these are both bad.......:lol:

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