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Who's going to tackle Wednesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Megster has Linguistics from 9:15 to 10:30. Then she has Math from 10:30 to 11:45.

I will be working on my math while she is taking these classes live online.

From 11:45 to 12:30 she will do her linguistics and Latin homework and eat her lunch.

12:30 to 2pm she has Latin live online. I will work on my math while she takes it.

2pm she will complete on of her math lessons. I will work on household chores.

We will leave at 3 to get to her voice lesson and be back home by 4pm.

She will complete her other math lesson and her two timed five minute tests.

She has therapy at 6pm, then we shall eat dinner and get her to hip hop at 730.

We will get home around 9pm and veg until bedtime.


Wish me luck. :p

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Hello, guys.  I was good yesterday sort of - I didn't take a nap - but I still didn't finish everything.  I got hung up on a client issue that I ended up having to send back to the client anyway.  So today I got up at 4am to try to get back on track.  I have some things that are supposed to go out "tonight" (which means before my clients get to work in the morning).


And I committed to go to the office today.  I really dislike going to the office, but I am sort of obligated while two of our people are out of the country.  Can't do it Thurs/Fri since the kids are out of school.  Oh bummer.  ;)  Now here's hoping I remember to pack everything I need to work at the office.


Today's list:

  • Work in the wee hours.  [done]
  • Some personal stuff - renew license, taxes, etc.  [done]
  • Get kids up - Miss A has about 1 chapter left of Harry Potter and Miss E has some math mistakes to fix.  [done]
  • Kids ready and out to school.  [done]
  • Take out the garbage.  [done]
  • Some exercise.
  • Clean kitchen, bathrooms, and some clutter.
  • Finish some urgent work.
  • Pack for the office and go do some more work.  File tax returns etc.
  • Kids' work.
  • Kids to swim?  May skip it if it is cold, due to soccer practice right after.
  • Kids to soccer practice.
  • Dinner.
  • More kids' work.
  • Put away laundry and some other stuff.
  • Kids to bed.
  • Work.
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Good morning

- dishes- in dishwasher

- laundry- in washer and dryer

- pay bills- done

- fold laundry

- tidy house- round 1 done

- school work- posted to all 3 discussions

- study for HESI test I'm taking tomorrow- did some

- get dd1 off bus- done

- help dd1 with her school work- done

- dinner- done

- baths- 1 done 1 to go (if she stays awake long enough for the water heater to build back up)

- bedtime routine

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Cut and pasted from the ITT thread:


Minor disastor at this house.  Dh was rushing around getting ready to head out the door on a missions trip.  He did not just tip over his coffee as it was perking, somehow it went flying so there is coffee dripping off the cabinets and the counters and all in the one drawer of linen that was open and all over the floor.  Fortunately we just went to Costco so I have a huge thing of paper towels and I used a lot of them.  I need to mop the floor yet again though because it is sticky.  All the linen in the drawer are now in the hamper - the already overflowing hamper because I am so backed up on laundry.  I've washed off most of the counters but I am taking a quick breather before tackling more of the lower cabinets which are hard for me to get to.  Dh is gone - he had to rush to the airport.  


Neko is up and around but does not look all that perky.  So I"m worried about him.  


And I promised to get over to the IL's rental to do yardwork.  


Dd and I just had a meeting.  I told her that with all of the above on my plate, I need her to either be a willing helper to get all this done, or a willing and independent learner who will do her school without my help so that I can get all of this done. I don't know what she has decided yet.   

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I've done that with coffee just as I'm trying to run out the door.  Decisions, decisions.  Do I leave it to dry on and deal with it later, or clean it up now and end up even more late?  (I chose the latter.)  Isn't it funny (in retrospect) how the most dramatic disasters seem to happen when you have the least time for them?

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