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Who's going to tackle Friday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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More rain. I did not want to get out of bed.



--Arabic 12:20; gym for me

--daily and Friday things

--type bio test

--call children's hospital to arrange testing

--pick up new contacts



I'd love to go to the orchard, but I'm not sure if the weather will cooperate.

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Good rainy morning to ya!



pay off all our credit cards  :party:

hangout with Sophia Grace and watch cartoons until her mommy gets home

grade all school work for this week and watch ds speech monologue 

cook a big pot of veggie soup

stalk UPS for our books I ordered


Have a good day everyone!

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Friday!  I'm proud of myself for even getting out of bed today - late though it was.  :p


It feels like a coffe heavy kind of day.


But yay, at least we don't have to do the camping thing - no need to pack clothes, test out the tent, buy a bunch of food, and generally stress out.  I mean, I wanted to go camping, but chilling sounds so much better right now!


Today's list:

  • Sign up for Sunday church hayride.  [done]
  • Get kids up & out to school (including memory and spelling review).  [done]
  • Clean kitchen.  [done]
  • Clean bathrooms and some clutter.  [done]
  • Work.
  • Contact the places we want to go on Sunday and make sure we are properly signed up.
  • Exercise.
  • More organizing in kids' rooms.
  • More putting away stuff from porch.
  • Sign kids up for AHG pen pal program.
  • Figure out return of broken furniture before deadline.
  • Figure out replacement of broken mirror purchased for Miss A's room.
  • Assemble Miss E's new purple chair!
  • Send graduation card to step-nephew already!
  • Compile my personal tax info.
  • Look into updating kids' passports.
  • Kids to gymnastics.
  • Kids' work.
  • Dinner out.
  • Watch a show or two on DVD.
  • Get clothes ready for Saturday.
  • Kids to bed.
  • Work.
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Good morning! Dh took ds3 and the dog for a hike this morning. Of course, the three of them were not very quiet getting ready, so I am up. We have a calm sort of day, before a very busy weekend.


To do:

Laundry (started)

School for ds2 and dd2

Clean house (bathrooms, dust, mop)

Pick up study

PM practice/aikido


Have a great day!

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Cool and raining all last week and all weekend here. Glad our AHG campout was postponed!


Going to the symphony this morning after I drop kids at tutorial. Thanks, Mom!

A few errands this afternoon and making chili.


A nice routine weekend, here. 

We are looking for a new dog so maybe we will make some progress on that front. Two possibilities.


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Oh let's see

- school work- did A&P study guide, lab, quiz, journal and discussion posts, did statistic discussion response, and 1 assignment

- get dd1 off bus (1/2 day)- done

- laundry- did some

- fold laundry- done

- help dh hook up dishwasher :D - done though there is a very small leak in the trap line (going to fix tomorrow)

- tidy house- haha

- dinner- done

- baths- not needed

- bedtime routine- 1 down 1 to go

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