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It might be the end of the world


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Because I have some kind of plague of flies going on in my house. Where did they come from and is there a good way to kill them? We've just been using a fly swatter, but they keep multiplying. I have no idea why. Nothing smells funky, no dead bodies that I know of. I mean, my house keeping isn't the best but there's nothing that would explain this... It's only been the last few days and we've killed at least a few dozen.

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Check anywhere with water--drains, under sinks, under the washer/dryer, whatever room the water heater is in, and trash cans (including under the plastic bags). Also check under kids' beds, even if they're not "supposed" to have food in their rooms.


Are they more numerous anywhere in particular?

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More numerous in the kitchen and family room where yes, sometimes food gets left out but they aren't swarming on anything in particular. I googled cluster flies and that was a tad disturbing. I haven't seen that many all in one place. Mostly they fly around a lot but the other night I looked up and scattered across the ceiling were literally a dozen flies. I've never heard of an electric fly swatter, I'll look into that. I like the idea of them just deciding to up and leave though. :)

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We use clear window stickers made by Ortho. They attract the flies who then land, eat the bait and fall down dead onto the windowsill. I just vacuum them up in the evenings.


We live in the country, have neighbors with way too many dogs, cow and horse ranches nearby, pet chickens and three of our own dogs. Every time we open the door one or two (or more) get in the house.

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Because I have some kind of plague of flies going on in my house. Where did they come from and is there a good way to kill them? We've just been using a fly swatter, but they keep multiplying. I have no idea why. Nothing smells funky, no dead bodies that I know of. I mean, my house keeping isn't the best but there's nothing that would explain this... It's only been the last few days and we've killed at least a few dozen.


Hmmm.  That happened in Amityville Horror.  Have you checked the basement behind a brick wall?  Just make sure there isn't a portal to hell down there.   


:)  Tee Hee Hee.  Just kidding!

Hot Lava Mama


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Probably cluster flies. We had infestations several years in a row, usually at the end of the summer. I vacuumed the little buggers, which isn't hard because they are more sluggish than usual houseflies. It lasted about three days and then they stopped coming in. I freaked out the first time it happened and had someone come check for dead things in our attic and vents. Cluster flies lay their eggs in walls and attics, so they have some kind of instinct to get inside all at once. Supposedly you can have a pest company spray certain areas of the outside of your house (under the eaves, I think?) to deter them, but it has to be done around July.


My sympathies. It's gross, but doesn't last long.

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