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Singapore - Teacher's Guide, Workbook, Textbook, Intensive Practice, Oh My!


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So I *think* we've decided to stick w/ Singapore for our math, after using Horizons last year and my son not liking the repetitive-ness of it and looking at a lot of other options like Math Mammoth, Math U See, etc.

We bought the workbook and have been going through it but I definitely need the Teacher's Guide and manipulatives to help DS really see what they're doing.

The thing is, it's costly. And I'm cheap. And he is the first of four kids. So, are the TG and TB easy to find used since they are reusable? If I can get those for $5-$10 each, that makes the $12.50 textbook easier to stomach. But if I start investing in these I will probably just stick w/ it for all my kiddos.

Has anyone used JUST the TG and the Textbook and not the workbook? DS likes being able to write in his answers so that would be easier.

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I'll answer kind of sideways...the textbook and HIG are both non-consumable, so you can reuse them. I wouldn't think they would be terribly hard to find used. The workbook is for independent practice, which is why you right in it. That, and it has a more game and puzzle type feel, so it's harder to avoid writing in the books.


You can do the TB problems on paper or the white board. I used to write the problems out for my son since writing is an issue for him. 


I think the Standards edition has more practice than the US edition, but I don't know how much practice your son needs. If you are going to use the TB and HIG alone, I suggest planning on making up your own additional problems to go with the book and/or finding a compatible but lower priced option for additional practice. I think it's doable, but I don't know that you'd want to.


For the US edition, the HIG had master sheets to print and cut out your own manipulatives. I don't know about Standards.


Maybe someone could tell you how closely Math Mammoth aligns with Singapore, and you could buy all of MM on CD when it's deeply discounted. Then you can print only the practice that you need as you go along.


I'm cheap too, but investing in Singapore is one of my happiest purchases. We love it. I try not to cost cut anymore than i have to on school stuff--if I was hard pressed, I could always sell it later.

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Just wanted to point out that Singapore is actually a lot more affordable than most other math programs we have used.  Once you have the TG and TB, getting a new consumable WB each year (or two, A and B) really didn't seem too bad.


It has been a number of years since we used it though.  (My youngest is in college now!)   We loved it.

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I use the textbook, workbook, IP, and CWP (no teacher's guides - I get math, and the sm methods make sense to me, and so far I haven't had a problem coming up with my own ideas for additional ways to present something). The textbooks are easy to find used - I pieced together a complete set, 1a-6b, for about $50-$60. I do cringe at spending $50/kid/year on consumable workbooks :svengo:, but I tried using just the text and IP, coming up with my own practice problems in place of using the workbook, and it sucked - lots of work and it wasn't going well to boot. I teach out of the txtbk, working through all the examples and practice problems, and then they do the Wkbk exercises independently. I do the IP and CWP a semester behind, working through a few pages of IP and 1 page of CWP a day, mostly independently (so, for example, we do IP 3a and start at the beginning of CWP 3 when we start tb/wb 3b).

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  • 2 weeks later...

We take the WB, XP, Testbook, whatever "consumables" and remove the binding, three-hole punch and stick it in a 3-ring binder.  Then my kids complete the assigned page in a dry erase pocket...using wet erase markers (Vis-A-Vis sells a fine point that works wonderfully).  When they are done, I wipe it clean, initial the page with the kids' initial and re-file it for the next kid to come along.  


So far, so good.  

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If you aren't familiar with Singapore methods the HIG is essential. Otherwise you're paying a lot for a text and workbook that have little advantage over any other program. The HIG is there to show you the Singapore (Asian style math, conceptual in nature, heavy on using multiple strategies, lots of mental math skills, etc) method of instruction. I think the textbook is also essential, but it is reusable and they resale well. The workbook is consumable. i agree you need it or IP or some other practice problems. CWP are good but there are not enough practice, IMO.


Realize that the method as taught in Singapore is not just textbook and practice workbook - it also involves timed drills, mental math tasks, and additional instructor content - this is what HIG is trying to help you do.


In the 4th and up levels it's also handy to have the answers in the HIG to reduce grading time.

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For SM I always used the workbook, the text book and the Home Instructor's guide.  The textbook and the HIG were non-consumable and reused.  I got my textbooks from a friend for free.  The manipulatives that we needed were few and easily improvised.  If you tell use what year you are in, we can tell you which ones are really needed.  

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There are entire kits sold for a pretty good price on Educents.  I too am cheap, but tend to check there and on Amazon before checking elsewhere.  I got an email that said the code PUMPKINSPICE gave 10% off, but I'm not sure when that expires.  I love SweetPea's suggestion of using a wet-erase marker!  I wouldn't have to make as many copies and feel like I am wasting a ton of paper!  :)

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