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Exercise Thread Sept 6 - 12


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Hope you're feeling better soon, Negin.



It was a lovely, warm day today. Walked the dogs this morning, went to the beach with the dc (though they did the swimming and I sat in a chair with my feet in the water keeping cool), then played 2 hours of doubles tennis with dh and friends.  I'll probably do one last dog walk this evening.

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I just finished the C25K thing last week and was feeling sad that that thread was over. So, thought I'd peek in here.


Not too hot, but definitely humid here. Took the kids on their bikes and I ran - just shy of 2.8mi. I wanted to hit 3, but I was also kind of glad to be done. We were all quite sweaty when we got home - still lots of fun! 😄

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I just finished the C25K thing last week and was feeling sad that that thread was over. So, thought I'd peek in here.


Not too hot, but definitely humid here. Took the kids on their bikes and I ran - just shy of 2.8mi. I wanted to hit 3, but I was also kind of glad to be done. We were all quite sweaty when we got home - still lots of fun! 😄


Join us here every week and share your running success stories!  Now that the weather is cooling off, it's the perfect time to keep running and enjoy the extra energy.

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I've been away for the past weekend.  I was able to keep up my running and yoga routines, which was nice.  Sunday was a rest day, and Monday I ran 3 miles then did the warm up and standing series of Primary, perfect to do before a 9 hr drive. :)  Going to do yoga in just a bit, as soon as my banana muffins are out of the oven.

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I did a heavy arm set yesterday, so my arms are sore and weak today. This morning I did a heavy leg set and so my legs are like jelly. It'll be an interesting day. The Fitness Blender workout I did had strength/weight training first and THEN HIIT. I have tried it that way before and by the time I got to the HIIT, it was a joke. Same way today. If Kelli or Daniel do it that way again, I'll skip to the HIIT and do that first, then do the strength.

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Overslept- no a.m. 5k walk.  Tonight I work/play at MMA, so 5 hours of mat time- I just hope I can shake the headache I woke up with.


Last night's MMA class was all sparring.  I was dripping wet by the end and lay on the floor to take of my leg gear.  I had to think about whether it was worth standing up again to go home:)

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Can I re-join? :)  We are kind of temporarily living here, so a lot of my weights and exercise equipment is in storage states away, including (to my horror) my running shoes! I've been using my fitbit, and I might actually have to temporarily join a gym here, so I'm looking at classes and trying to decide what would work.  Yesterday I walked for 6 straight hours at the museum/mall, and Saturday it will be cool enough to go jog, so I'm going to try to hunt down some shoes. :) 

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Welcome Mommymilkes!


Wintermom- I have carpet that I want up.  In fact all my carpet.  This is the first house I've lived in, ever, with installed carpet.  I hate it. 


Today is really exciting.  I get to jujitsu train for much of the day with a visiting Black Belt who is doing a seminar on Saturday at my dojo. Today she is working just with the staff- picture me rubbing my hands together with glee and cackling and then maybe even doing a happy-dance.

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After breaking bones in my foot in a freak accident, I'm finally okay to do a light workout. Actually I was given the okay last week, but after one workout, I exacerbated the injury and had to wait longer. Hopefully today is the day.


Ughh- can you start slow with mainly floor core work?

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After breaking bones in my foot in a freak accident, I'm finally okay to do a light workout. Actually I was given the okay last week, but after one workout, I exacerbated the injury and had to wait longer. Hopefully today is the day.

Ugh is right! Fingers crossed for today being the day!

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After breaking bones in my foot in a freak accident, I'm finally okay to do a light workout. Actually I was given the okay last week, but after one workout, I exacerbated the injury and had to wait longer. Hopefully today is the day.

Oh no!  I hope it's ok!


My teen is going to do an Intro Krav Maga class with me this week.  So I'm scared and excited for that. :) I'm trying to decide between trying a Barre, Crossfit, or Aerial Yoga class, too. 

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I ran on Wednesday, 3.6 miles, but I didn't get to do yoga. It was the first day I missed doing yoga in over 3 weeks. :(  Thursday was hot yoga day, always wonderful.  Today I ran 3.5 miles, and I'm planning on full Primary series later today.  Today is the first day in over a week that I don't have a long drive, and it's the only day until he middle of next week.  Driving wears me out. 

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