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Kettlebell users: I need help!


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I just recently started the kettlebell. I got them to do swings, but discovered I actually like working out with them so I want to learn how to do all the various moves. However, the bell smacking into my wrists HURT! I could not do the snatch or press at all. I did do the clean and thought I was doing okay with that until I woke up this morning with bruises on my wrists/forearm area. I was only using 15 lbs.


Am I doing it wrong or are bruised forearms par for the course? Do you wear wrist bands? Do they provide enough cushion? I do want to add that I am using the DVD Iron Core Kettlebell. She shows proper form and I think I am doing it right but...??


Any and all advice would be super appreciated. I am only on the first video and I am feeling pretty discouraged at the moment.



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I've been using kettlebells for a little over a year at the gym and I've never had them smack me in the wrist.  With the swings, I hold the handle, swing up (the ball part goes out when I do that) and then come back down.  The ball part doesn't go anywhere near my wrist.  I can't think of any other exercises I've done with it where it could potentially bang my wrists. 

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Hmm. I've hit myself in the leg before, but never on the arm or wrist. I'm not familiar with the names of the moves you are trying, though, so I can't help there. I use a lighter kettlebell for a home workout video. Bruises should never be a typical side effect of your workout! Ouch!

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I swing with a heavier ball, but I use a lighter weight for the other exercises.


Well, I can't figure out what I am doing wrong. Milovany, it hits the outside of my forearm, right above the wrist. It isn't really a smack so much as it swings into that position but when it falls upon my arm, it hurts. Did you have a trainer teach you?


I looked online and found that bruising seems pretty typical of the forearm area. So, not sure where to go from here. I really like using the kettlebells but I can't walk around all beat up. ;)

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Oh yeah. Bruises all the time on my forearms from cleans. Never had them from snatches though. The bell doesn't usually touch your arm in a snatch. What other moves are you doing?


I would suggest actually lowering your weight on cleans until you get the form down and strengthen your wrists. You can clean all the way up by twisting your wrist (instead of flipping the bell over your hand -- not sure what technique she's showing you). You still get bruises but not as bad, and once you can control the bell you can keep it from hitting you. Although when you increase your weight you'll probably bruise again for awhile.


Forewarned is forearmed (hee hee hee).


I love kettlebells!! I think they are vastly underused!

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Carrie, thanks for the link. I am checking it out now.


PeachyDoodle, what weight would you recommend? I probably don't have the names of the moves right. I think I meant cleans, not snatch. I am wondering if I just have weak wrists. They are tiny for an adult (the rest of me isn't. How is that fair? haha!).


Anyway, off to check out the Girls gone strong website.

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Carrie, thanks for the link. I am checking it out now.


PeachyDoodle, what weight would you recommend? I probably don't have the names of the moves right. I think I meant cleans, not snatch. I am wondering if I just have weak wrists. They are tiny for an adult (the rest of me isn't. How is that fair? haha!).


Anyway, off to check out the Girls gone strong website.



Snatch (IME) usually means to swing the bell straight up, using one arm and keeping your elbow straight, so that your arm goes up by your ear. The bell doesn't flip. If you're watching in a mirror, you should see the bottom of the bell.


Clean and press is when you touch the bell to the floor in a squat, then use your legs to help you push the bell straight up in a press. There are a couple of different techniques for this. My dh tends to use a flip -- so that the bell flips over his hand and he pushes it up in one motion. That's how I get major bruises because the bell smacks my forearm. I use a technique more like what's in this video. You can see how he twists his wrist around, so the bell is resting on his forearm before he presses it. I still get bruises this way if I do a lot of cleans with heavy weight, but they're not as bad.


I can actually do a lot more weight this way, because in a sense I use my legs twice. So if you adjust your technique, 15 lbs might be fine for you. If not, drop back to 10 or 12 lbs while you perfect your technique.


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