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What would you charge or PAY for this service?


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I have someone (well several people actually) asking me to help her organize and clean out her home. As far as I can tell, that will mean throwing out old stuff and figuring out a better way to store the rest. 


I do this often, and many people have told me I should start a business (this is unlikely, but I don't mind doing the occasional project). Most are friends and I do it as a barter thing, but this lady is someone I've only met once and I need to know a fair price to charge.


Now I don't do all the closet shelving installation and stuff like that. I may buy containers (which of course would be at her expense), but mostly I try to work within what someone already has.



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I think I would figure out an hourly rate - $15 an hour?  $20?  What's the going rate there for cleaning houses?


I would guess I would be paying around $25 here for house cleaning services, but we are on the upper end.  If they want a fixed amount, bid it based on 1.5x the number of hours you think it will require (other people's stuff, ya know?)

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(1)  I suggest that you charge by the hour. Not a "flat rate" for the job, which the client may never be satisfied is completed to their satisfaction.


(2) The hourly rate you charge will vary depending upon the COL where you live. If you live in TX you can work for a lot less than someone in CA or NYC, etc.


(3) You may want to become a "Task Rabbit".  I have seen an "Extra: with the woman who started that company, several times, when viewers in the states are watching commercials.  https://www.taskrabbit.com/

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If this is on the level of housecleaning or professional organizing, I suspect that here such services would go for $50-$75 an hour.

WOW! You must live in a very high COL area!!! I've never heard of anyone in this area charging close to that, and this isn't a super cheap place to live! 



I would ask to look at the job first, and estimate how many hours it will take. I'd calculate the hourly wage based on ~$20/hr, then bump it up to a nice even number, maybe giving some room for the job to take longer. 

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There's an organization for professional organizershttp://www.napo.net. You can search for them in your area and see what they charge. That would give you a ball park. I love to organize and have helped a few friends out. I have thought about it for a business, but I don't think I'd be a good small business owner!

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I'd do a minimum charge for a whole day, plus an hourly rate for exceeding whatever number of hours you think.


I'd probably pay $500/day,  for an 8 hour day, and $80/hour after that, given that housekeepers who come in are generally more than $150/house for less than two hours.


Half that for friends & family.



I realize that might seem high, but I freelance in photography and have learned a lot recently about how undercharging gets you the wrong customers.  Charge high and you get customers that assume you know what you're doing and aren't a problem.  Charge low and you get people who try to nickle and dime and discount and hassle you...  keep the 80/20 rule in mind here.

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