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Who's going to tackle Thursday with me?

No More Perfect

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Good morning! What is on everyone's list for today?



Pick up dry cleaning

Purchase BtB French app

Have Btb French book spiral bound

Begin going through toys (this is a big, big chore. 6 kids and their toys means we have way more than we should)

Put floor mats back in van

Put more items on home routines app

Print out daily assignments for the first week of school and place in bins for each child



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Good morning :)


--eye dr 12:30

--adjust AP Psych syllabus for dd

--discuss the schedule she worked out yesterday (we need to add meeting times for psych and comp govt)

--look at calc info w dd

--schedule allergist appt for dd15

--more emails...

--change signature

--work on first draft of homeschooling philosophy statement etc for dd's application

--exercise (gym late w dh?)

--and the usual daily things

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hi all! 3rd full day of homeschooling, and ds13 is so excited about his online physics class--he's really enjoying it so far. 


1. school

2. laundry

3. running

4. dog training

5. knitting/crochet

6. read harry potter (with ds10) and 1984 (catch up to ds13)

7. clean kitchen

8. sign ds13 up for soccer

9. pay comcast bill

10. dinner? chicken-prep

11. clean kitchen again from lunch

12. drop package at ups before 630


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call maintenance about toilet

kid's school work

dd Bible group



AHG board meeting


my day doesn't seem busy, but I have a massive headache.  Dh woke me up middle of the night.  My eyes have huge bags under them as I opted to sleep on the couch after being woken up.  TIRED doesn't describe me.  My evening meeting is 40 min away.  I am in a mental FUNK and just wanna curl up in a ball and be alone.  *sigh*


Hope everyone else is more productive than I think I can be today


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An in-between day.  There is nothing to really complain about, just the banging of the construction crew and my complete inability to focus.  :P


  • Kids up & out to horse camp.  [done]
  • Clean bathrooms & kitchen.  [done]
  • Work.  [some]
  • Kids back home.  Kids take care of their lunch.  [done]
  • Give the kids their work.  [done]
  • Work work.
  • Family TKD.
  • Quick grocery stop.
  • Kids to swim / Mom works or walks.
  • Dinner, read-aloud.  Maybe more kid work.
  • Kids to bed.
  • Work.
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Y'all are making me look bad!   :P We don't start school till next week. . .


My almost 2yo daughter was really snuggly and just wanted to sit in my lap and watch a movie. (She had fallen down on the driveway and scraped up her knee pretty good, so I think she needed the snuggles with Mom) I took advantage of that because who knows when it will happen again! This means we haven't even started going through the toys. It's nap time, so this means it's time to actually get work done.

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Today Eldest and I had a Chiropractor appointment. We then had to go pick up something for my Dh in a different direction. 


Both boys pointed out that they can't remember a time they had spent so much time in the car driving around doing errands. 


The time spent with the Chiropractor (who is a friend of ours) was 50 minutes. Total time out of the house - 2 hours. And due to construction we parked away from the second errand and spent a total of 20 minutes walking.


So total time in the car, or waiting 50 minutes. 



From what I read here we are spoiled. :)

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Well, we did most of the list as far as the kids were concerned.  I stopped by to ask about the swim team photos which I'd never received, and they said "did you get the ribbons?"  Ribbons?  I wasn't expecting any, since my kids weren't superstars.  But they got a lot of ribbons, especially Miss A, who is super pumped.  ;)  I also got the soccer schedule, and it looks like all the fall games are on Saturdays, which is great.


The only bad thing is that I have a lot of work I wanted to finish - promised to finish before the end of the week.  Will I get it done?  I need to.  :/

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