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I just need to complain


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Since the beginning of June, we've had 12 illnesses in our house. They've been one after another, rarely overlapping, so that we've had a grand total of thirteen days with everyone healthy/not contagious. We've basically spent the entire summer stuck in our house. Right now, I have two children finishing antibiotics for strep throat (which required separate doctor visits because they started five days apart) and I'm curled up in a ball with 103 degrees fever from mastitis. The mastitis started at exactly the 48-hour mark when the last one to start antibiotics wouldn't have been contagious and we could have gone out. I just want this to end.

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I'm so sorry. What a rough summer. And mastitis is awful (I've had it numerous times). 

I've learned that as soon as I have symptoms I need to rest and nurse. I also take a hot bath and express in there (not a shower, that doesn't work as well for me). Finally, (and this is probably unpopular, but....) I eat raw garlic. 

If I do all of that, my mastitis symptoms are gone within about a day. 

I hope you feel better soon!


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This is the sixth time I've had it with this baby. It seems to happen every 2-3 months. I never had issues with my first. With my second, I got clogged ducts, but it never proceeded to mastitis. I don't know why this keeps happening. I'm at over 48 hours since the breast pain began, 36 since the fever started, and I still haven't been able to unclog it, so I conceded defeat and called my doctor. He's called in an antibiotic for me.

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I'm so sorry!  I kept getting mastitis with one particular baby (never had it with the other ones) and finally started taking lecithin and didn't get mastitis again.  Could have been coincidence but you may want to research it and see what the current thinking is on it.  Mastitis is the worst!!!!

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Oh man, I don't miss those days. With my oldest, I had mastitis at least 12 times! I went through the wringer trying to figure out what was causing it. In retrospect, after nursing DD2 (with whom I never had mastitis more than once), I realized what the difference was. We coslept, and DD1 would wake to nurse all night long. We'd both fall back asleep, but she would stay attached and her latch would slip. The slipped latch wasn't enough discomfort to wake either of us, but it was enough to abrade my nipples and prevent milk from flowing freely, which would then cause mastitis. It would only happen on side, for that reason. 


Might you have some kind of change in latch? Have new teeth shown up that made a subtle difference? Have you been cosleeping/not cosleeping in a way that might have changed anything? 


I'm sorry everyone is so sick :(  :grouphug:

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