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Exercise Thread ~ August 9th - August 15th


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I didn't get to do anything yesterday. Yesterday was not a good day. I'm going to soon do two Classical Stretch routines:


Reverse the Aging Process (Honestly, I don't believe that it can be reversed & am skeptical of such claims. I believe one can only slow it down somewhat & that's pretty much it, which is still great). 

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Active rest day.... Swimming with children and walking with dh.


Yesterday's open mat was almost all jujitsu. At one point a 230+ lbs partner drove his weight down on me while I was twisting to escape and my spine crackled better than a chiropractor's visit:). The electrolyte drink is making all the difference in the world in my endurance and in preventing Charlie horses!!!!!

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Nothing today. I'm sure I burned quite a few calories yelling at the small female.


What brand of black capris do I want for running? I prefer fitted and cool. I've decided to wait until I'm back to my regular diet before I begin. I don't want to be so discouraged by pain and exhaustion that I don't want to continue.

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Active rest day.... Swimming with children and walking with dh.


Yesterday's open mat was almost all jujitsu. At one point a 230+ lbs partner drove his weight down on me while I was twisting to escape and my spine crackled better than a chiropractor's visit:). 


OUCH!!  I hope you are alright. 

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My exercise yesterday was finishing off the flooring in dd's room!!  :hurray:   It was plenty of "work-out" for me. Dh and I have adjusted our schedule for starting flooring the next bedroom until AFTER our tennis matches this week. My body cannot handle construction and tennis on the same day. 

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This is likely to be a rest week here, I have no classes schedules and we are attempting to get going with school full steam ahead and I've not been feeling well. I'm hoping that getting the diet back on track, getting to bed early and taking some rest will help.

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Nothing today. I'm sure I burned quite a few calories yelling at the small female.


What brand of black capris do I want for running? I prefer fitted and cool. I've decided to wait until I'm back to my regular diet before I begin. I don't want to be so discouraged by pain and exhaustion that I don't want to continue.


My favorite running capris are Lulumon's.  A lot of running capris make me itch- these just feel wonderful.  I've had them for 5 years and wear/wash them at least once a week and they still look new.  Plus they make my muscles feel good.


Wintermom- I wasn't hurt, just crackled:)


Today I'm working my first evening at the martial arts studio and then finishing the evening with an adult class- at least 5 1/2 hours on the mats.  I have no idea how that will feel but I'm guessing exhausting.  I'm excited.

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This is likely to be a rest week here, I have no classes schedules and we are attempting to get going with school full steam ahead and I've not been feeling well. I'm hoping that getting the diet back on track, getting to bed early and taking some rest will help.


  I hope your first week is wonderful!

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Argh. Zumba was cancelled tonight. Have done 8000 steps so far, mostly mowing grass. I like it when exercise is actually something that has more purpose than just to exercise! I will work to get the rest of my steps in today.Tomorrow is a strength-training day. I'm doing NROL for Life, stage 1.

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I did manage to get in another bike ride and tennis, though it wasn't half as fun as the tennis with my boys. Oh well, it was good to get another run around.


Also managed to help the boys clear out their bedroom (excepting the bunkbed and dresser). Tomorrow we rip out the carpet!! 

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Negin,  :grouphug: , hope you feel better later today. :grouphug:  and I need to add, love your picture.


This morning I did an hour of modified Primary.  I've not done much yoga or strength work all summer because of my schedule, and doing yoga today I was able to see how much I've lost.  I've been toying around with doing a bit of strenth work after running on M W F and then yoga T and TH, but now I don't know.  I feel like I need more yoga, and I definetly need to work on my core.  The strength work I was planning (squats, pull-ups and push-ups) do work the core some, but I think I need more direct work as well as more time stretching.  My hips have become super tight.  I can't even do reclined pigeon without it hurting my knee.  I'm rambling, sorry.  Just trying to think it through.  There is still a part of me that thinks I should just focus on yoga.  The running is still a struggle, but I had always enjoyed it so much that I hate to give up.  


Anyway, it was a good practice this morning.  Namaste everyone, hope you have a good day. :001_smile:

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Negrin - Hope you're feeling better later today. 


Kim - The yoga, core strength and running combination sounds excellent! Nice variety and good for overall fitness. If you cut the running, you'd miss the aerobic component as well as weight baring to maintain strong bones. Perhaps try playing with the distance, intensity or running surface of the running until you find something that feels better? I love running on trails, when I can, as it's so much easier on my joints.


It's raining today, so I'll be focusing on indoor work like flooring.   I'm supposed to play a mixed doubles match this evening with my dh, so I hope it clears up. 

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Morning everyone.  I walked 5K this morning and plan on another walk later today.  Other than that it's all back to school sort of book sorting/moving/planning dusty day.


Kim- I cannot remember your injury but I second Wintermom.  If you can possibly keep some running in I would.  Just for your sanity.  You might just have to revamp your running expectations.  My older sister was a trail runner and yoga lady.  A couple of years ago she had several bad falls running (she's in the mountains) over a 6 month time frame.  Now she "walks" hefty mileage twice a day instead.  Her walking is faster than almost every other human's jog.

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Negin-I hope you feel better :grouphug:

Kim- take it easy and ease in. Injuries won't help

Reishy- good luck on the book sorting

Wintermom- have I mentioned how much I hate house rehab?


Forty-five minutes elliptical. That way if the phone rings I am easily accessible. I'm hoping to put life on ignore for a couple hours and take my kids for one last swim before everything shuts up tight tomorrow. We're stuck with boring splash pads after that. Viva la summer!

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Well that stinks.  My yoga teacher, who just got back from two months in Kashmir, has decided to go back again, for 'as long as the path takes her'.  So now I need to find another yoga teacher.  I've tried one of the others in town and wasn't impressed.  A lot of the classes are in the daytime too, when I'm working.  


I'm really glad for her.  Just not for me.  Feeling grumpy and drinking gin.


12,811 steps so far today; averaging 12,600 this month.  It's not looking like a 13,000 month unless I do a pretty good hike at the weekend.

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Hey, someone was mentioning their electrolyte drink that they liked. I just tried something new recommended by someone at my tennis club (and I saw one of the high-level tennis players using the same thing at the tournament on the weekend). It's coconut water/milk. It's actually very good and did give me a boost for the match; tastes naturally a little sweet, and has potasium and other minerals. 

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Well that stinks. My yoga teacher, who just got back from two months in Kashmir, has decided to go back again, for 'as long as the path takes her'. So now I need to find another yoga teacher. I've tried one of the others in town and wasn't impressed. A lot of the classes are in the daytime too, when I'm working.


I'm really glad for her. Just not for me. Feeling grumpy and drinking gin.


12,811 steps so far today; averaging 12,600 this month. It's not looking like a 13,000 month unless I do a pretty good hike at the weekend.

I am sorry for you but the gin bit made me giggle.

Off for a run. Co-op meeting this morning and dealing with the VA. Have a wonderful day all!

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Today, I'll shoot for 10,000 relatively easy steps and New Rules of Lifting for Life strength-training, Stage 1 workout. I will be throwing in extra practice for push-ups because I have a goal to do at least one full push-up by the end of September! 


Got this done yesterday. We had company for dinner till about 9:00 and I hadn't gotten in all my steps cleaning the house and grocery shopping . Still needed about 1500. Our dog loves to play keep away so I just chased her in a loop around the kitchen and living room until my wristband buzzed! Fun for both of us. 


Today, the plan is 1) break up any sitting at least once per hour 2) Zumba 3) Stretches in pool

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14,000 steps today.  Still stiff from yoga last night - she must have pushed us hard before quitting (grump, grump, Prosecco).


Anyway, I'm going to try a new yoga class tomorrow night, so I won't be able to do my fasting day tomorrow.  I don't like the idea of fasting on Friday but it looks like I'll have to.  The new class is a 5.30, and I can easily walk over after work, so that will be a few more steps and a nice warm up.

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Mostly a rest day from flooring, though I did rip the carpet off the top stair to see what the wood looked like underneath. It was surprisingly hard, accually. I think they use tons of glue, staples and other nail things to keep the carpet down. 


Got in one long dog walk and 3 hours of mixed tennis this evening. I'm officially pooped and having some wine (to go along with LauraCorin's gin!).  :cheers2:

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Today is a NROL4L strength-training day plus Zumba. My butt will be kicked by the end of the day; however, Zumba is only offered 3 days per week and two of those are back-to-back, so if I lift 3 days per week with a day in between, the best I can do is to end up with one day with both. So kick-butt day it is! 

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17,000 steps today, taking me over the 13,000 average for the month.  Phew.  This was a fasting day too, so pretty tired now.  


Made up of: parking half a mile from the office; walking a mile to HR and back to pick something up; two mile walk at lunchtime; back to the car; working in the garden before supper; two mile walk with Husband and dog after supper.

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17,000 steps today, taking me over the 13,000 average for the month.  Phew.  This was a fasting day too, so pretty tired now.  


Made up of: parking half a mile from the office; walking a mile to HR and back to pick something up; two mile walk at lunchtime; back to the car; working in the garden before supper; two mile walk with Husband and dog after supper.



I'm going to be nosey- feel free to tell me to mind my own business; so you fast once a week? How do you do it and what are the benefits?


Joy-of-six, how do you pick a wine to go with chocolate?


Last night kicked my rear.  We did Thai kicking to move heavy bags down the floor for 30 minutes.  I started class with a tweaked groin muscle and probably should have sat out but evidently I am pretty stupid.  Iced it for a couple of hours and this morning all I have is a sore hamstring on that side.  Sigh.  Tomorrow is our black belt candidates' camping trip with a 20 mile hike.  I'm not a candidate but one of my sons is so I'm going....  and hiking.


I did get belt promoted last night.  That was a nice surprise.

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More flooring, dog walking, and tennis today - assuming my body holds out!  :laugh:   I'm pretty stiff and sore this morning.  We're on a roll with the flooring, though, and everyone is working together so well.  I'm thinking that a massage would be lovely.


Rieshy - Congrats on the belt promotion!



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I'm going to be nosey- feel free to tell me to mind my own business; so you fast once a week? How do you do it and what are the benefits?



I eat 500 calories each of two days a week (5:2 diet).  I'm menopausal, and I otherwise put on weight.  It allows me to eat a normal balanced diet on other days and not have to watch what I eat.  I quite like the rhythm it imparts to the week.  There are various claimed benefits to fasting, but I don't know about their truth.

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Joy-of-six, how do you pick a wine to go with chocolate?



I have no idea,  :lol:  Moscato is sort of sweet (as sweet as I can stand) so I drink that. After enough wine it probably doesn't matter.


I ran as usual but felt really tired by the time I was done. I'm not sure why. It was humid but not very warm. Just an off day I guess. I actually drank a glass of water when I came in. My usual rehydration is coffee :blush:

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About to soon do 4 Miles of Leslie.


Ladies, I hope to start spending slightly less time online. I will try to post here as often as I can, but I'm asking any one of you to please start this weekly thread. It would be nice for this thread to keep going. I'm just a bit too busy and may not be always able to start it. Thank you all. 

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