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Who's going to tackle Sunday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good morning, Jean! I hope you have lovely worship this morning!


I am drinking my bulletproof coffee and trying to get ready for a busy day after no sleep in the hospital. Steroid medication and constant interruptions kept Dh awake most of the night. He will probably have a steady stream of visitors after church, which is good since that cheers him up tremendously no matter how tired he is.


Today looks like this:


pack Dd's lunch

go to worship

take Dd to the camp bus drop off  

pick up Ds at church and go to see Dh - lunch

come home and take a nap, maybe take Ds to the pool

visit Dh - dinner?

tidy the house

sleep in my own bed! 


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Our house is still a disaster after our floor mishap.  Long story but now we ripped out another floor, everything is out of the laundry room and all over our living room.  We have NOWHERE else to put it!  In addition to that, the new flooring is in the living room.


I need to at least get the kitchen clean and hopefully organize some of the living room.

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Scout, you and your dh are always on my mind :grouphug:


My day:

--finish my decaf :)

--water the garden

--walk to the farmers' market with dh for the veg I don't grow plus some beef and sausages

--pick and pickle cukes (didn't get to that yesterday)

--email dd at camp

--continue working on psych syllabus while sitting on the deck :)

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Scout, thinking of you and your Dh.

Ds2's meet yesterday was good from a swimming perspective, unbelievably horrible from a general one. We left our house at 6:30 am and got back around 3:30 pm. Ordered pizza and collapsed.

The state meet rolls along for another day. Kids are doing well. Some mean girl stuff, but dd2 is proving herself very capable of handling it.

Today I am going to:

Read the paper

Drink coffee

Do a general house clean up

Make a list for August

Grocery list


Have a great day!

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Hi everynoe-i didn't get as much done yesterday as I'd hoped, but i did manage to knit about 10 inches of the blanket i am making for my new nephew. That's really all I feel up for right now--watching Scandal and knitting. Well, I am learning to crochet too LOL. I don't know what's going on with me. 


1. dog training

2. vacuum

3. kitchen

4. laundry

5. go to beach? 

6. exercise?

7. walk dogs

8. call window guy

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Good Morning

- tidy house- round 1 done

- dishes

- laundry- in dryer

- put together dd1's bed frame- dome

- clean up girls room (I'm going to attempt KonMari on that)- the room is clean don't feel like going through all that today

- clean inside of camper?-

- dinner-meat thawed

- baths

- bedtime routine

- anything else I get done

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thanks, Luckymama and MysteryJen!


So far today has been a good day. Ds and I are still hanging out with Dh at the hospital. Quiet now with Dh napping and Ds entertained with an ipod. We are minimalists with regard to screens and electronics, but they do have moments of exceptional usefulness.

Waiting on the next wave of visitors. First wave volunteered dinner for tomorrow night. :)


eat dinner

put Ds to bed

get camp stuff ready for tomorrow morning

sleep in my own bed

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