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Who's going to tackle Wednesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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The rest of my birthday ended up being pretty good so I suppose yesterday wasn't terrible. My sister left this morning so it's back to our normal routine.


So far I've:


-pet sat

- grocery store trip

- deposit checks

- started laundry

- made breakfast



Still to do:

- play at park with kids

- more pet sitting

-laundry washed,folded, away

- kids clean their room

- exercise DVD

- read for an hour

- wash cloth diapers

- lunch and dinner made

- kungfu for kids

- pick dh up from work

- quick clean my room

- everyone clean downstairs for 15 minutes

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Good morning! I went to practice with the kids to do some parent type things. Back now to get started on the day.


To do:

Grocery store

Drop off donations

Clean downstairs

Get stuff ready for the weekend

College stuff with dd1

Think about decluttering plan for next week


Have a great day!

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Seriously, it's only Wednesday!?  Sigh....


Last night I went to bed early because I was very low on sleep.  So I didn't do the garbage / donation stuff I was hoping to spend time on, and I didn't check for late client emails etc.


So this morning I woke up to:

  • A client who had sent 3 urgent emails since 8:30pm, demanding a report that I had to assemble by 7:30am.
  • Lots of garbage to take out.  (I didn't get to the basement stuff, but I got the usual stuff plus some decluttering junk.)
  • Donations to put on the porch.  (I managed to get 2 boxes together.)

Then I could proceed with the usual morning stuff.

  • Pack up for my kids' 4 Wednesday activities.  [done]
  • Kids up, dressed, fed, and to camp.  [done]  (Nanny will get them, do Nanny Camp, drop them at swim.)
  • Meet with construction guys.  Choose new flooring / carpet and discuss further improvements.  [done]
  • Clean bathrooms, kitchen, some clutter.  [done]
  • Check the fuse box to see if I can get electricity back in my room without help.  [tried, can't]
  • Laundry.  [done]
  • Move some stuff to the basement.  [done]
  • Go through a bunch of my kids' books, organize, set aside some for handing down soon.  [done]
  • Work.
  • Put together more packs for drop-of donation. [1 done]
  • Camp schedule change for next Tuesday.  [done]
  • Make appointments for chiro, eyes, teeth.  [8 appts scheduled, 1 to go]
  • Pick kids up at swim and take to dinner.
  • Kids to tennis.
  • Some reading and math with kids.
  • Kids to bed.
  • Work.
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Busy one!


Done so far:

--physical therapy (takes two hours!)

--two loads of laundry washed and hung outside

--daily and Wednesday things

--renewed library books

--sent email/facebook group message about science festival volunteers

--requested wall anchor for the IKEA dresser ds just purchased yesterday (involved in the recall)




--garden: pick, weed

--syllabus work

--exercise: walk or hike this evening

--email dd at camp

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Good afternoon, all! I just can't find myself willing to sit down most days and spend much time on here. I think I'm enjoying my summer break too much!


hjffkj, Happy Belated Birthday! Sorry I missed out. Was there cake? Was it good?  ;)


I leave tomorrow afternoon to work at the homeschool convention in north Atlanta. I'm working in the IEW book again!!! I had such a great time working for them in March, and this will be with a new exhibitor. I'm anxious to meet her. I'm hoping this will turn into a regular gig. I'd love to hit the convention trail!




some co-op schedules posted to our FB group


laundry 2 loads done and one more in the washing machine


To Do:

tidy house

finish laundry



make a list of things to be done by my family while I'm gone because I'll be bringing my nephew back as long as he is doing well



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Hi all-

1. walk dogs

3. Work 3-8 pm

4. fold laundry**

5. try and catch up with writing class

6. pick up meds**

7 order Physics kit

8. stop by auction to look at lounge chairs

9. dog vet

10. see friend for lunch.

11. pay dogsitting bill

12. pay tax


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