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How to count Intermediate Algebra-dual enrollment on transcript

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I've been spending days working on my daughter's transcript and course descriptions.  I just ran into a big snafu.  Her math course progression looks like this currently:

9th Algebra 1

10th Geometry

11th  Intermediate Algebra-dual enrollment

12th  College Algebra


I just found out that Intermediate Algebra just counts for 0.5 high school credit. So now I don't know what to do.  in the fall of 11th grade she used Teaching Textbooks Algebra 2, then in the spring she took Intermediate Algebra. Should I go ahead and list Algebra 2 on her transcript also, but just for 0.5 credit so she has a full math credit for 11th grade?  Of course she didn't finish the TT Algebra 2, so I'd feel strange listing it even if it is 0.5 credit, and it just seems that would stand out strangely to the college admission people.


Or do I just call it all Intermediate Algebra (or I guess I could call it Algebra 2), and count 1.0 credit, but list on her course descriptions that she used TT Algebra 2 in the fall, and Dual Enrolled in Intermediate Algebra in the spring?


I've searched and searched online but can't find a similar situation, but I know I can't be alone.



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Or do I just call it all Intermediate Algebra (or I guess I could call it Algebra 2), and count 1.0 credit, but list on her course descriptions that she used TT Algebra 2 in the fall, and Dual Enrolled in Intermediate Algebra in the spring?


This is what I would do.

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I think it would look fine to have a half credit of Algebra II followed by a half credit of DE Intermediate Algebra.

I don't think any admissions department would find that strange.


I would not change the name of College Intermediate Algebra to Algebra II or try and combine a half credit DE class and a half credit home class into one full credit. That would be confusing and more likely to stand out.


ETA: Differing opinions already. :D

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Actually, I agree with Melissa B--I would list two separate courses on the transcript.  Algebra II at 0.5 credits, which you write a course description for and list TT as the text and Intermediate Algebra (or whatever the exact course title is) at 0.5 credits, which you list as being taken at the college.  

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I've tried to keep the titles of college math classes as they are listed in the college catalog.  I figure that the fewer shifts in that area, the better.  We will be sending college transcripts for dual enrollment off to the colleges ds applies to and a curious admissions counselor might look up the course descriptions.  I want the names to be the same.


On the other hand, I have done some renorming of names of courses that we did with other online providers.  One son did the Muse Unloosed and Muse Reloosed courses from Lukeion, which are fantastic courses on ancient literature.  But the names won't mean much on the transcript.


So the transcript says: 

English: Greek LiteratureLP  (The LP is explained in the footer as being Lukeion Project)


Then in the course description I have the title as: English 10 - Greek Literature (Muse Unloosed, The Lukeion Project)


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Actually, I agree with Melissa B--I would list two separate courses on the transcript.  Algebra II at 0.5 credits, which you write a course description for and list TT as the text and Intermediate Algebra (or whatever the exact course title is) at 0.5 credits, which you list as being taken at the college.  


I agree that I'd list it as two different courses - in the course descriptions, I'd say that the 1/2 credit of algebra 2 is the first half of algebra 2 or whatever.

I don't think it's too confusing to read for your math progression.

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Ok thanks all.  I edited her transcript and put asterisk by Algebra 2 and Intermediate Algebra.  In the notes section I put this.  Any other suggestions on wording if it doesn't sound correct?


"Mikaela started her Junior year taking Algebra 2. The 0.5 credit is the first half of Algebra 2. In the spring she switched to Intermediate Algebra through dual enrollment."




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I've been spending days working on my daughter's transcript and course descriptions.  I just ran into a big snafu.  Her math course progression looks like this currently:

9th Algebra 1

10th Geometry

11th  Intermediate Algebra-dual enrollment

12th  College Algebra


I just found out that Intermediate Algebra just counts for 0.5 high school credit. So now I don't know what to do.  in the fall of 11th grade she used Teaching Textbooks Algebra 2, then in the spring she took Intermediate Algebra. Should I go ahead and list Algebra 2 on her transcript also, but just for 0.5 credit so she has a full math credit for 11th grade?  Of course she didn't finish the TT Algebra 2, so I'd feel strange listing it even if it is 0.5 credit, and it just seems that would stand out strangely to the college admission people.


Or do I just call it all Intermediate Algebra (or I guess I could call it Algebra 2), and count 1.0 credit, but list on her course descriptions that she used TT Algebra 2 in the fall, and Dual Enrolled in Intermediate Algebra in the spring?


I've searched and searched online but can't find a similar situation, but I know I can't be alone.




Most of us consider a semester-long c.c. course to be one high school credit, not half of one.


Personally, I would  give her four math credits and not mention TT on the course descriptions.

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"Mikaela started her Junior year taking Algebra 2. The 0.5 credit is the first half of Algebra 2. In the spring she switched to Intermediate Algebra through dual enrollment."


With this wording, I would assume that there was some issue with the Algebra 2 taken in the first semester that prompted a switch to the DE course. Even if that's the case, I wouldn't point it out. There's no reason to.


I would go with Melissa's suggestion of listing the Algebra 2 as a 0.5 credit in the fall and the Intermediate Algebra as a 0.5 credit through DE in the spring. It can't be that unusual for students to switch to DE at whatever point they're able to.



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Is the intermediate algebra a college level course or something leading up to college level?

I would probably list them separately. I would use the CC title for the int alg and something else for the other course. Maybe Algebra 2A.


Then I would have separate course descriptions. One would describe the home algebra 2 portion and the other the CC Int Alg course.


Alternately I would give 1 credit for the CC Int Alg and not mention the other semester.

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Apparently Florida only counts Intermediate Algebra at Community College as 0.5 credit for high school, since it isn't officially a 'college level' class.  It is a preparation class for College Algebra.   I guess I will just list them both for 1/2 credits and take off the explanation on the transcript and just leave it to the course descriptions.


For the record, in case anyone else is writing up Comm. College courses.  A lot of the science classes are also only worth half a credit, unless it has a lab.  So the Intro to Meteorology I signed my daughter up for in the fall to satisfy her 4th year of science, only counts as half credit, and I will have to have her take another science class in the spring.  I always thought a semester CC course counted as a full year high school course across the board.  Here is the Florida Dept of Ed equivalency chart (I can't speak for other states, but we are in Florida)  http://www.fldoe.org/core/fileparse.php/5421/urlt/0078394-delist.pdf

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Actually, I agree with Melissa B--I would list two separate courses on the transcript. Algebra II at 0.5 credits, which you write a course description for and list TT as the text and Intermediate Algebra (or whatever the exact course title is) at 0.5 credits, which you list as being taken at the college.

Agreed. You should make its easy as possible for adcoms to match up the high school and dual enrollment transcripts, even if it makes the class look a little odd. Since you didn't finish the TT, you might title it Algebra II A. The DE class would be part B.

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 Should I go ahead and list Algebra 2 on her transcript also, but just for 0.5 credit so she has a full math credit for 11th grade?  Of course she didn't finish the TT Algebra 2, so I'd feel strange listing it even if it is 0.5 credit, and it just seems that would stand out strangely to the college admission people.



I don't know why you'd feel strange listing 0.5 credits for TT.  You did the first semester, so you gave a semester credit, that seems totally ordinary to me.  Colleges are used to much stranger situations than that from public schooled students!  (At least ordinary colleges; I have no experience with Harvard and such.)


Also, I'm wondering what is making you worry that you can only give 0.5 credit for the college course.  Don't you decided what to give credit for at your school?  I actually was pretty odd, in that my transcript key said "Dual credit courses: 0.25 high school credit per credit," so most of ds's college math courses earned 3 college credits which became 0.75 credit on my transcript.  But none of his three colleges questioned that.  As long as you are clear, it seems it would be up to you what your transcript said?



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  • 2 weeks later...

Apparently Florida only counts Intermediate Algebra at Community College as 0.5 credit for high school, since it isn't officially a 'college level' class.  It is a preparation class for College Algebra.   I guess I will just list them both for 1/2 credits and take off the explanation on the transcript and just leave it to the course descriptions.


For the record, in case anyone else is writing up Comm. College courses.  A lot of the science classes are also only worth half a credit, unless it has a lab.  So the Intro to Meteorology I signed my daughter up for in the fall to satisfy her 4th year of science, only counts as half credit, and I will have to have her take another science class in the spring.  I always thought a semester CC course counted as a full year high school course across the board.  Here is the Florida Dept of Ed equivalency chart (I can't speak for other states, but we are in Florida)  http://www.fldoe.org/core/fileparse.php/5421/urlt/0078394-delist.pdf




May I ask how she did in the Interm. Alg at the college? I'm in almost the same boat as you, except my daughter hasn't taken the Interm Alg yet. She might be taking it this fall (which is next month, yikes). So I came on the forum looking for info on TT Pre Cal. My daughter has not finished TT Alg 2, she has one chapter left....and she plans to finish it in the next few weeks. My dilemma is should I have her move on to TT Pre Cal or let her take Interm Alg at the college. She prefers to take the class at college. BUT..we are torn...because of the whole half high school credit thing and how it's not even a college math credit. 


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May I ask how she did in the Interm. Alg at the college? I'm in almost the same boat as you, except my daughter hasn't taken the Interm Alg yet. She might be taking it this fall (which is next month, yikes). So I came on the forum looking for info on TT Pre Cal. My daughter has not finished TT Alg 2, she has one chapter left....and she plans to finish it in the next few weeks. My dilemma is should I have her move on to TT Pre Cal or let her take Interm Alg at the college. She prefers to take the class at college. BUT..we are torn...because of the whole half high school credit thing and how it's not even a college math credit. 



Did she do the placement test? Even if she did, she should take the placement test after she finishes TT algebra 2. She may place into college algebra instead.

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Did she do the placement test? Even if she did, she should take the placement test after she finishes TT algebra 2. She may place into college algebra instead.

I was thinking the same thing last night. Even thought of having her finish the last chapter in TT and maybe supplement with something else until the end of fall semester, and have her retest before the spring? Yes she did take the placement test for DE.

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