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Exercise Thread July 19-26


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Welcome back wintermom!


slache (hugs) is there something else you can do to workout until p90x is good? I know you hate yoga but it is a lot less intense and you can really work on your back there, presuming you go nice and slow (not p90x yoga!). My mom recently started a beginners yoga dvd and her back is doing so much better, she has a horrible time with it, there is so much free stuff online too these days.



Yesterday was fairly lazy here, I just didn't feel the best. I feel like my thryoid or hormones are a bit off and that I'm trying to get a cold or something. I really hope today goes ok, I need energy I've been looking forward to rock climbing and aerial for weeks now.


Anyway, yesterday:

short walk, yoga skills- headstands (are all rocking now- dh asked me when I became a yoga pro :) ), various other poses, *trying* to get this one pose in the primary series, from bhujapidasana you pivot down until your chin rests on the ground. Now I can get in it easily but the pivoting, not so much, I end up crashing my face into the floor. Evidently I need to get my feet up higher, which is harder than it sounds. It is inspiring however to see that I am making measurable progress. Like so many things if you practice them you improve, it is just hard sometimes to keep the faith when your in the midst!


Today is the big day:

aerial open gym- I've got a big list of skills to work on from my teacher

climbing- just for fun, but I'm going to try not to kill my shoulders before aerial

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i have at least 2 hours of open mat today. Lots of work ahead of me. Hopefully at least an hour of that will be grappling.


I need suggestions for food:. I cannot make it through open mat without calories and fluids. . If I'm lucky and get a solid hour of grappling jujitsu style in I always weigh 5 pounds less the next day and wake up shaky. Sometimes I get shaky during rolling. I'm not getting something I need but I'm not sure what. I eat a big breakfast early in the morning of open mat and drink a lot of water (and coffee). I've tried various snacks but a lot of them hurt my stomach.- what do you ladies eat or drink during workouts? Protein smoothies don't work because I end up in the bathroom.


Apologies for typos- I cannot find my glasses.

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i have at least 2 hours of open mat today. Lots of work ahead of me. Hopefully at least an hour of that will be grappling.


I need suggestions for food:. I cannot make it through open mat without calories and fluids. . If I'm lucky and get a solid hour of grappling jujitsu style in I always weigh 5 pounds less the next day and wake up shaky. Sometimes I get shaky during rolling. I'm not getting something I need but I'm not sure what. I eat a big breakfast early in the morning of open mat and drink a lot of water (and coffee). I've tried various snacks but a lot of them hurt my stomach.- what do you ladies eat or drink during workouts? Protein smoothies don't work because I end up in the bathroom.


Apologies for typos- I cannot find my glasses.

Do you not do any electrolytes? I have a mix that I drink before and during any workouts called Optimal Electrolytes. I recently bought Nuun tablets as well when I have extra workouts or am low on carbs. I puffy heart love my optimal electrolytes, they give me more energy and taste good too but I don't like taking multiple doses because it has other stuff as well that I don't want too much, like magnesium. I like the Nuun ok, many love them, too soon for me to tell. They also have an energy version as well. 


I eat about 1 hr or so before I workout, like before Aerial, I will eat a whole head of broccoli or cauliflower (cooked), some meat and my electrolyte mix. Last week it was cauliflower, 4 oz of steak and 2 strips of bacon. In between Aerial (90 min) and yoga (60 min) I had some smoothie, not a protein smoothie but carbs as I will get a blood sugar dip if I don't replenish soon afterward. I mixed 1 cup of almond milk (califia farms my fav) 1/2 c cherries and coconut cream. I drunk about 2/3rds after aerial and then finished it off right after yoga and then went to Chipolte's to feast- double meat, guac and lettuce. 


I know some will go without drinking water but I cannot. I sip my water even through my 60 min yoga class and I always have electrolytes in it. I generally don't eat during but doing Aerial and then intense yoga after it I needed the boost. I'll probably bring a larabar next time along with a bit of smoothie to eat in between.

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Welcome back wintermom!


slache (hugs) is there something else you can do to workout until p90x is good? I know you hate yoga but it is a lot less intense and you can really work on your back there, presuming you go nice and slow (not p90x yoga!). My mom recently started a beginners yoga dvd and her back is doing so much better, she has a horrible time with it, there is so much free stuff online too these days.



I've been doing yoga for about a month. It's been easier. I've been doing the p90x videos, but I've only been putting about half the effort into it. I haven't finished any of the weight training videos. I'm not in pain, I just feel weak. I can do it, I'm just trying not to hurt myself. I've got a few things I can do, I think I might stick to p90x at half pace. I also have Piyo from the library that I can play with, but I don't have it for that long.

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Reishy-do you get enough salt? Being a runner type and disliking food I usually have some Gu chews if I'm doing more than a 10K. Light on the tummy


Today is an active rest day. Yoga and walking. I'm also going to a winery with friends which cancels out the exercise benefit but ups my mental health quotient.

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i have at least 2 hours of open mat today. Lots of work ahead of me. Hopefully at least an hour of that will be grappling.


I need suggestions for food:. I cannot make it through open mat without calories and fluids. . If I'm lucky and get a solid hour of grappling jujitsu style in I always weigh 5 pounds less the next day and wake up shaky. Sometimes I get shaky during rolling. I'm not getting something I need but I'm not sure what. I eat a big breakfast early in the morning of open mat and drink a lot of water (and coffee). I've tried various snacks but a lot of them hurt my stomach.- what do you ladies eat or drink during workouts? Protein smoothies don't work because I end up in the bathroom.


Apologies for typos- I cannot find my glasses.

Apple slices or carrots? Or are you looking for protein options?

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Thanks for the food suggestions.  Cindy- when you mentioned apples or carrots I realized something- it must be electrolytes, like Joyofsix suggested, that I'm lacking.  Even though I go into open mat super hydrated and sip water all during open mat I realized there is no way I could chew and swallow carrots- no spit available.  My gi is completely soaked by the end of it, and I'm not a person that sweats easily.  Everyone's gi are soaked.  I think I've been underestimating the effort.  Grappling is sort of like running a 10 k while carrying someone else on your shoulders and throwing in a little sprinting for fun.  Plus having someone else constantly on top of you really raises your core temperature.


Anyway, I'm going to play with the products everyone mentioned- Thanks again.

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I am sore. I did my open aerial, which I think went decently for the first time, as I expected I couldn't remember some things I wished to remember but I practiced what I did and asked questions on some things. The main thing I need to get down is the straddle without the knot and I think that is going decently, I was ambivalent about which class I took but yesterday I met both of the teachers and I hope I move onto 1 as I like that teacher much better!


Later on we went to rock climbing but we forgot what time they closed so we only had about 45 min. I did about all I could handle in that 45 min though. I finally conquered one of the routes, I've never been able to get before. The first 4 times I got about 1/3rd the way up(there is a big section there with only very small holds) as usual but on my last try(as I knew I didn't have anymore to give) I made it. I could definitely tell my strength is much greater than last time I went but my forearms and hands were tensed up a good 15 min after leaving.


today- I'm not sure, maybe a walk or such and I could use some time for stretches, we'll see we got in late and I didn't sleep well.

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