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I'm planning!!!

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I have to share this somewhere where people won't think I'm nuts. :-) I made my first curriculum order this week from Amazon and it came in the other day. I was very excited to start planning, so I roughly wrote out what we're going to be doing for the first 6 weeks of school. In pencil, because I'll get twitchy when I need to make changes to my plan if I can't just erase. I feel very accomplished writing it out. I'm going to try bullet journals for both of us this year which I'm also excited about. 


I can't wait to start school! Well, I can because I'm not ready for the weather to start cooling off as we've had only 1 day over 80 so far this year and yesterday I was wearing long pants, a long sleeved t shirt and was drinking a hot cup of coffee mid afternoon. Brr. I am excited though!

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I'm starting to finalize details, too, and getting excited to start back up. Our school rhythm doesn't sync terribly well with the weather; we are always DONE by mid May, when there's another 6-8 weeks of cool weather, and then ready to hit the books by August when summer is finally in high gear. Every year I wonder why we can't shift our work by a few weeks so it makes more sense, but it never works for us.


Have fun planning!

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We're still schooling here. We took a break in November when our baby was born, and again in June so we could spend time with Hubby before he moved. Now it's too hot, though, so we usually hide in the basement doing school. We're on the Canadian side of the NY border, so I can't imagine living any more south. My kids can't deal with the heat. We're moving to the Yukon, so there a summer break would make sense, but if we were to stay here, I'd switch it to autumn.

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I love planning. There are different levels for me:


1. Overarching research all year long while reading WTM. I copy links for curric or WTM threads into a document to research later when I'm ready to compare and buy.

2. Narrowing down the choices for each subject and picking exactly what to buy.

3. Looking over all the subjects after purchase and deciding how often we'll need to do each subject to get it done by the end of the year. (Math= 5 days/week, Science= 4 days/week, etc.)

4. Thinking prep:

Looking over each subject carefully to decide exactly how to teach/learn it. Like: Math: explain how to do the math concept, work on a problem together, give student problems to do alone, etc.

Deciding what supplies we'll need.

Preparing the first 2 weeks of lessons or more. (Some subjects are too much to plan 36 weeks in advance--would take me endless hours)

5. Mindless prep: this is where I do the little mindless tasks that need to be done to be ready like finding what science supplies we'll need for the first few weeks or printing out worksheets that we'll use or whatever.

6. Buy the supplies.

7. Begin.


I'm almost at the end of 4 and ready to start 5.


Step 1 takes all year, so I don't count that, but the other steps take me about 120-150 hours to accomplish over the summer--3 weeks+ of a full time job, but of course, I have kids to raise, so I can't do it like a job. I have to stay up to the wee hours of the morning working on it all summer when the kids are asleep.


And I love every minute of it!

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We start school on the 20th and I've bought the curriculum but haven't started the workplans yet. This is why I am in disbelief when I always test ISTJ on Meyers Briggs.


I think my J moved away when my second child was born, but I still test INTJ.


I love planning. I might love planning more than teaching. I might, also, be a bit behind on planning. I need to make a new daily routine, figure out science (they want more, more, more!), and look at all the books to finalize the plans I began months ago. And the 4 year-old wants school. I DID NOT expect that. I think he only wants science and math, but still.


Edited because I have to learn how to keep my fingers off of the publish button.

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I love planning. I might love planning more than teaching.


Yup. Planning is so neat and organized and look at all the pretty things we're going to do, and the ordered lists.... While teaching an actual child- is not quite so pretty and organized  :lol:


DS spent last week with my in-laws, so I spent a good portion of it doing my planning for next year. I considered it a vacation well spent, and quite enjoyed it, while DH thought I was slightly more crazy than usual.  :laugh:

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